Israel: White Phosphorus Used in Gaza, Lebanon
(too old to reply)
Jan Panteltje
2023-10-14 05:26:11 UTC
On a sunny day (Fri, 13 Oct 2023 16:32:00 -0400) it happened Susan Cohen
(Beirut, October 12, 2023) – Israel’s use of white phosphorus in
military operations in Gaza and Lebanon puts civilians at risk of
serious and long-term injuries, Human Rights Watch said today in
releasing a question and answer document on white phosphorus. Human
Rights Watch verified videos taken in Lebanon and Gaza on October 10
and 11, 2023, respectively, showing multiple airbursts of
artillery-fired white phosphorus over the Gaza City port and two rural
locations along the Israel-Lebanon border, and interviewed two people
who described an attack in Gaza.
White phosphorus, which can be used either for marking, signaling, and
obscuring, or as a weapon to set fires that burn people and objects,
has a significant incendiary effect that can severely burn people and
set structures, fields, and other civilian objects in the vicinity on
fire. The use of white phosphorus in Gaza, one of the most densely
populated areas in the world, magnifies the risk to civilians and
violates the international humanitarian law prohibition on putting
civilians at unnecessary risk.
“Any time that white phosphorus is used in crowded civilian areas, it
poses a high risk of excruciating burns and lifelong suffering,” said
Lama Fakih, Middle East and North Africa director at Human Rights
Watch. “White phosphorous is unlawfully indiscriminate when airburst
in populated urban areas, where it can burn down houses and cause
egregious harm to civilians.”
It is funny how the US just stated that Israel should respect the 'rules of war' I think they call it,
after US nuked Nagasaki, Hiroshima civilians, used Agent Orange on civilians in Vietnam, used depleted Uranium ammo in Iraq
and now supplies cluster ammo and depleted Uranium ammo to Ukraine.

So what is 'rules of war?' there ARE no rules of war.
If somebody attacked me I would strike back ..

The repression of Palestinians by Israel and the way Netanyahu had been ruling,
land grabs by Israel etc is a clear source of say provocation, causing Hamas to react.
And the US so happy to sell more arms, I am hundred percent sure US KNEW about the upcoming attack on Israel else US 'intelligence'
would be even bigger idiots then I already thought.

So Blinken travelling the world for 'help' most likely is more like trying to sell weapons,
as Biden is a puppet of the US Military Industrial Complex a people burning machine financed by an ever increasing US debt!
Maybe nobody should buy US debt, Japan, China, then the US will finally be forced to make some nice stuff that others buy.
but with the ever lower IQ there that may be a lost case.

So WW3 is at the horizon, I personally think 2024..
rules of war? There are none!
There is an old saying I think: 'Never start a fight that you cannot win'
Hamas killed many and the reaction of Israel killed even more,
So maybe politics would be a way out, but then you need different leaders in Israel,
return the land to the Palestinians, settlements...

Israel won't.
When US collapses after getting nuked by the rest of the world (they keep asking)
maybe after that WW3, if any left, climate change mass migration..
Human species..
a a
2023-10-14 13:52:42 UTC
The idiot Jan Panteltje <***@comet.invalid> persisting in being an Off-topic troll...
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