Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part A - Daryl Kabatoff
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Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part A - Daryl Kabatoff
January 7th 2023 6:49 pm 170,169 words (194 pages)

“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

“If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard


Aviation, Boating, TIG Welding
ATV’s, Mini-Trucks
4x4’s, 6x6’s, 8x8’s
Tracked Vehicles
Velodrome and Bicycles
Wooden Aircraft, Boats and Cars
Horse Drawn Wagons
Bison and Affordable Home Ownership
Live Steam Engines
Banking, Wealth Management
Diamonds, Gold and Money
Female Fashion Trends
Pants That Fit
Largest Building in Saskatchewan
British, German and Russian History
Islamic History
High School Students, Hockey Players
Big-Nosed Cree
Gun Laws, Ballistics
Native Governance
Restaurants and Fine Dining
Appeasement and Being Nice
Law of 22 Prairial
Psychiatric Abuse, Horror
Blinkin’ Lights and Fertility Rites
Metallurgy and “Science”
Son of Sam
Yaks and Yakutia (The Sakha Republic)
Magadan and Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy
Marina Galkina, Bob Fink, Vernon Coleman
Thomas Mick, Restoring the American Republic
Religion and Humor
The Anti-Christ Revealed
Red and White Depopulation Jabs
El Nino and La Nina Climate Oscillations


Run in rural and city elections as “Republic”, and affirm that you are defending:

1) the right to own property, including land and guns
2) the right to grow food and other plants, to raise and prepare animals for food, to sell your food
3) the right to decide upon the education of your children
4) the right to free speech and beliefs
5) the right to not be forced into psychiatric or any other medical care
6) the right to be paid in real money which is gold and silver coins, the right to mine a small gold claim in your nation
7) the right to not have your tax money used to support foreigners, many of whom desire our deaths. The right not to have your tax money used to support people of your own nationality, many of which are in need due to their poor habits. The right to not have your tax money used to support medical “care” for anybody, as it is now evident that the “care” provided for many is designed to maim and kill. The right not to have your tax money used to fight wars in foreign nations, as it is evident that the wars are designed to impoverish people of our own nation and bring about our own demise. The right not to have your tax money used to support schools, as these schools are teaching children to alter their sex, engage in abhorrent sexual behavior, to adopt Catholic fertility rites… the schools teach your children to become docile communists and are used to encourage your children to hand over their nations over to Islamists
8) the right to “freely” innovate, to fly your own aviation creations and to operate other mobile creations without government interference, with either no or minimal taxation, the right to movement

Affirm that you support these eight points on your election literature and run for office under the “Republic” ticket. Defend the Republic of the United States of America, fight for a Republic in Canada and in other nations. If you are not comfortable publicly defending the idea of a Republic (as opposed to a democracy which always seems to lead to a dictatorship), then you can still affirm you are defending the points listed above in your election literature.

I believe that people should also have the right to innovate and place their own automotive creations on the roads but should be taxed for road construction and road maintenance. Somewhat similarly, people flying will have to pay for airport landing and storage fees should they choose to land at and fly from such facilities. People flying or driving their own creations should have affordable insurance available to them, they should be allowed to pay the same low rate required to insure a 20-year-old mid-sized automobile, or even a lower rate as an incentive, in order to motivate people to innovate and create. Governments should continue to insure that the private aircraft are not a hazard to the commercially flown aircraft and restrict their flight in certain locations. Regardless, governments should be giving people options and not taking options away.

I believe that people should NOT be handed free homes paid for by taxing others, nor be provided with welfare assistance so they may pay rent to landlords. Any financial assistance directed to housing should be directed toward the purchase of materials (ideally concrete) for the construction of small homes.

Inflation is NOT rising prices, rising prices is but a result of inflating the paper money supply. By paying people in gold and silver coins (instead of paper dollar bills), inflation of the paper money supply and the resulting increase in the prices of consumer goods would be eliminated, thereby allowing people to earn enough money (gold and silver coins) so they may purchase or build a home, unless they piss their money away. Gold-bearing regions in Canada should be opened up to the average Canadian so they may stake and work a claim. The inflation of the money supply should be limited to the extraction (and importation) of gold and silver and converting this into coins. Gold and silver should not be traded in any electronic or paper form in part to help determine the true value of silver in relationship to gold, and in part to stop criminal activities tied to this ponzi scheme, and in part to get rid of the corrupt banking system. We should be able to transition to a more sane economy based on circulating gold and silver coins, and/or coins containing primarily a mixture of gold and silver without having to resort to persecuting Jews or any other religious group. Using Scripture, (Jewish Laws), we can cancel all the national and personal debts every 49 or 50 years or so, and deport or slay the invaders, or those we are invading, or some damn thing like that.

Many millions of acres of land in Canada and the USA that are gold-bearing are being mined by foreigners or by those Canadians and Americans who provide themselves with special privileges, or have the funds to climb legal hurdles (government restrictions on your freedom requiring teams of lawyers to overcome), or the land and the wealth within is claimed by the crown (The Queen of England and soon by Charles, her son), it is land that citizens should be able to work in order to build wealth for themselves.

Homeless people can be provided with a small (I suggest 200 square feet with a 17 foot ceiling) concrete structure in the countryside where they may pay a mortgage on the land, on the concrete poured, and on the oil stove, door and windows installed. People can live in tents and trailers in the gold-bearing regions where they would have the right to mine the metal, should they wish they may return to the protection of their small permanent concrete home located in a non-mining area, perhaps in another province or state… that is if they have their mortgage payments on these small concrete houses up to date (which should not be hard as many would continue to collect welfare from the provincial or state governments that includes a housing allowance). I believe people should have homes and that it should be done in such a way to prevent banks and landlords from benefiting. Help provide the homeless (including the home renters and the apartment dwellers) with small concrete homes in the countryside (at least 20 miles away from the cities), make opportunities available to them so they may pay the mortgages, make sure these mortgages are paid off before they add to the size of the structure. I suggest that these new homeowners be allowed to add vertically rather than spread out in order to retain land for gardens and for bison. I would like to see this done without using any tax money as politicians should not have the right to give your money to charity, in part because they use these charities to funnel money back to themselves. “Charity is no part of the legislative duty of the government,” said James Madison. I believe we can solve much of the homeless crisis when governments allow the subdivision of a limited amount of land for specific purpose of creating a bison reserve that doubles as an area for the tiny concrete homes, and by allowing concerned citizens who have wealth to build the concrete structures and expect the investment to be returned via monthly mortgage payments from the occupants. Those who have the wealth to invest in the project should see their investment grow due to their expanding bison herd, and should not have to gouge the home owners (those who are paying the mortgages) huge interest on the concrete structures. Charity is not a part of the government, but a group of people who have wealth can be charitable with their wealth and assist the homeless to have homes. The wealthy would be rewarded with a return of their money, plus they would get a safer, more peaceful and a more productive community, and if projects such as this are widespread it would help the entire nation to thrive.

Because the concrete structures are small (200 square feet), the mortgage holder (resident) may be able to make 12 monthly payments or less and pay off the debt. After the debt is paid, the new homeowner may pour additional concrete inside the home or on the second or even the third floors, or construct these additional floors with alternative building materials if they are not being noisy (hammering can be avoided by using screws). I propose that the second and third floors each be allowed a square footage of up to 800 square feet. The 800 square foot concrete second floor could be poured at the same time that the 200 square foot first floor dwelling is poured, but the thousands of additional dollars for the cost of doing this additional step could and should be paid up front by the prospective buyer. Some current renters have money saved and can afford to swing this. To be avoided is endless construction in the community as it would be disruptive to the bison and everything else.

The 200 square foot structures could be poured in a variety of different shapes, such as rectangular, square, 5, 6, 7 or 8 sided, or round, all with a 17 foot tall concrete ceiling, people moving into one of these buildings would be adding an interior floor or floors somewhere within. Allow the mortgage holder to install the interior wood floors before paying off the 12 or 24 month mortgages, perhaps pour the concrete home in such a way to make it easier to install an interior wooden floor at about the 8 foot height, so that one may turn their 17 foot tall concrete structure into having two interior floors, each with about an 8 foot tall ceiling. With the addition of 2x10 joists and some plywood, the mortgage holder’s 200 square foot concrete home would then have 400 square feet of floor space. Or I imagine small people who stand around the 5 foot mark can divide their 17-foot-tall concrete structures into three floors and end up with 600 square feet of floor space. Being concrete and of such a small footprint, the structures would be easy to heat.

Instead of upgrading the interior of your 17 foot tall 200 square foot home with oak, ebony, cherry, walnut, marble, granite, jade, or lapis lazuli, pay off the mortgage in 12 months, return the investment to the original investors who made this low cost housing and bison park possible. Only after the mortgage on the property and concrete house is paid for, then allow people to pour additional concrete to create their second or even third floors on the top of their 17 foot tall structures. Or build these additional higher floors out of lumber. Pour the concrete in such a way to provide an easy way for future expansion of that 200 square foot 17-foot-tall house.

Keep the structures concrete so the investors can easily steam clean the premises and find a new occupant who is willing to pay the mortgage on the property should the existing occupant fail to pay the debt, and so the bison can rub against the homes without causing damage. Keep the windows small and narrow so people and deer cannot break in, and to keep the windows cheap, and to prevent bird strikes, and to retain heat. Provide the homes with heavy steel doors that cannot be easily kicked in.

Make the concrete houses affordable and speed their availability by limiting their size (200 square feet by 17 feet tall), by offering the houses to the new homeowners without interior walls, without flooring, without plumbing, and without electrical. About the only items to include is a heavy steel door that cannot be kicked in, a wood/coal burning stove and chimney, and a few small windows, perhaps windows so narrow that people cannot them use to break into the home. There should also be a strong door located on the roof providing interior access to the rooftop patio or for whatever is constructed up there after the mortgage is paid off.

Those people who have the wealth to purchase the section (or two or three or four adjacent sections) of land and a fence running around the perimeter to confine the bison, could limit the bison ownership to themselves. Those people who are paying mortgages on their tiny concrete homes could be denied the right to own bison and add bison to the herd, and instead only be allowed to bring in one single horse (a mare) and allow it to multiply. There is the issue of paying off the mortgage to the investors before you start competing against these same investors for grazing rights, and there is the issue of bringing in sick animals and spreading disease. I think it would be best if the investors allow the mortgage holders to own and breed horses but then exclude them from competing by adding to the bison herd. This issue would be up to the major investors who made the bison park possible.

Perhaps those who successfully paid off their mortgage should only then be allowed one horse (a mare) and allow it to multiply. Let your horse roam with all the other horses and together they can roam with the bison. I suggest you limit the horse herd to Icelandic ponies as they are hardy, can be safely used on mountain trails, ridden or used as a pack horse, and being smaller have less of an impact upon the environment. The Icelandic ponies would be easily saleable should the herd become too great in numbers. There may be other horses that would be suitable for use on mountain trails but the Icelandic ponies are desirable and should prove to be a profitable venture. Or buy and breed Gypsy horses, they are beautiful, happily pull wagons and are good with children. Have a horse purchasing committee that is versed in what constitutes a good example of the horse breed chosen, and approve or deny the prospective horse for inclusion into the bison and housing reserve. If you are still paying off your mortgage then you have no business purchasing a high quality horse.

Gypsy horses are pretty creatures that are good around children and can be used to pull. Large working horses could be bred as they will be valuable when the fuel runs out. If you are only allowed to bring in one single horse of a specific breed, I suggest you obtain the best quality mare available and wait until you can afford the better quality horse. Perhaps people living in the bison reserve could pool their resources and purchase a rather expensive stallion and allow it to roam free with the high quality mares. People living in the bison reserve could decide upon one single breed of horse and then be strongly encouraged to choose among the finest examples available.

Water and food are limited, excessive numbers of horses could be detrimental to the bison herd. Remove any dogs that are either running free or barking, allow the coyotes, wolves, and bears to roam in their place. Residents can be notified when dangerous animals are lurking. Similarly remove the cats and allow the birds and gophers to thrive. While in this bison reserve / concrete housing development, discharge your firearms only when your lives are in danger, the concern is to provide a peaceful atmosphere for the bison. The bison would prefer to look at and smell people who are not carrying rifles, and since the concrete housing development is located in a bison reserve, folks should do their upmost to please the bison and not appear threatening, consider concealing your rifles when bison are in the vicinity. There could be dangerous packs of dogs, coyotes are an ever-present danger (mainly to children and shorter people), wolves will likely be limited to a lone male and should be considered as dangerous, there could also be cougars and bear. Furthermore moose, deer, beavers and owls are also known to attack people, one would be foolish to walk around the countryside without a firearm.

Limit the homeownership of the project to people who own no other land nor home, and prevent renters as these renters should instead be signing up for their own tiny home, which should result in pride of home ownership rather than in garbage and needles being spread throughout the community. Provide mortgages while making it clear that the buyer is not allowed to rent out the property, nor would they be allowed to operate motorized vehicles within the section (or two or three or four contiguous sections) of land that is fenced off and shared with bison. The residents would also have to sign wavers forfeiting their right to sue should they or a family member be injured or killed by a bison or by any other animal roaming the area. Cluster the majority of the homes close to the outer edges of the communities and space them each by perhaps 50 or 60 feet (hopefully far enough away for the tobacco smoke to dissipate), and is ample space between these clustered-together homes for bison to roam at will. Some people who are more physically fit may chose to occupy a concrete home that is located further away from one of the parking lots and bus stops. I imagine that at first most everybody would be hauling water from a well or from the water truck. Nobody would be allowed to use noisy gasoline, propane nor diesel generators, nor blast music… other residents really don’t want to hear your music, even at very low volume. Similarly people don’t want to see nor hear your windmill, most would prefer to see the birds alive than mangled to death in your windmills. Be mindful that you are living in a nature reserve.

Automated gates will open when the bison and horses are not near, allowing for moose, deer and antelope to enter and leave at will. Keep the small concrete houses at least 300 yards away from any automatic gates so as not to spook these wild animals and drive them away from the entry and exit points. Those who paid off their mortgages and who then purchased a high quality horse should be paying their share for the automatic fence.

Place the concrete houses within 200 or 300 yards from the road surrounding the bison reserve, if the property measures 2 square miles that would provide plenty of area in the middle of the reserve, reserved for the bison and for people to walk upon. Allow people to fence off a 700 square foot area surrounding their house or a 500 square foot area adjacent to their 200 square foot house should they care for a fence, a fenced-off garden, or for a fenced-off front or back yard, but this should be executed in such a way to leave ample room for animals to waltz between the homes (perhaps 50 feet between the fences open for the animals to waltz). If you are using your yard space for a garden, then consider having a fence that allows the sun to shine through, yet it is likely that much of your garden would survive without a fence. Some people will elect to fence off their 700 square feet of yard space with a fence that stands only a foot or two tall, allowing easy access to that space by the assorted animals. Some people may place their fence surrounding their entire 200 square foot concrete home, thereby preventing the bison from rubbing against their houses. Others will make use of their 700 square feet of yard space without using a fence at all, some may choose to mark off their 700 square foot territory with plants instead of a fence. Communities can designate areas for communal fenced-off gardens, so of course those requiring additional garden space can access these additional secured garden spaces, or simply grow your additional gardens in the spaces between the homes where the bison, moose, deer and horses are allowed to roam and hope for the best. Place the parking lots next to the outer edges of the project, fence the parking lots off to prevent the bison, other animals and thieves from having access to these areas.

Rather than wait for these investors to magically appear and assist you with your housing crisis, consider advertising a general meeting where those who are interested in living in such a project get together and put up the money to purchase a section (640 acres) of land or more, a piece of uninterrupted land that measures at least a mile along each side. All the people involved should ideally put up the same amount of money for their small agreed upon sized lots (700 square feet). Some people will use a handful of months to pay for their lots, while others will have their excessive contributions returned to them month by month over the course of a handful of months, and this way buy the land for cash without incurring a mortgage. I suggest that those who want to buy into such a project come to the meeting with a certified cheque for $6,000 CAN as that might permit 500 investors to purchase perhaps two adjacent sections for about 3 millions dollars. Some people would come to the meeting with somewhat less money and will plead for their inclusion and for their ability to make payments, others may come with more money to cover that deficit. Those temporarily covering the deficit could have somewhat larger fenced off yards (perhaps 1000 square feet), and more distance between their fence and their neighbour’s fence (perhaps 100 feet). Buy the property without a mortgage. Have such a meeting on the final day of the month, if you are unsuccessful in raising the funds to buy the available section of land, then meet again at the end of the following month as there may be different land available at a different price and with a different number of partners to share in the bison reserve and housing project. Separate the meetings by a month to give the people a month to try to make up the cash. Stake out the 700 square foot lots in such a way as to maintain room between the fenced-off lots for the bison and horses to roam, but not spread out so far as to sprawl over the entire landscape… perhaps 60 to 100 feet between the fences, with little incursion deep into the section… for the sake of the bison try to keep the yards close to the outer perimeter of the section of land.

People should agree to limit the large animals to bison and horses, totally exclude the presence of sheep, goats, pigs and lamas. If people want to run the sheep, goats, pigs and lamas, direct them to form their own sheep, goats, pigs and lamas cooperative. If people want houses built out of wood that would be easily damaged by bison rubbing against them, then direct them to form their own wooden building cooperative. If people want to blast music and drive around the section of land in motorized vehicles, then direct them to start their own blast music and drive around the section of land in motorized vehicles cooperative.

There are estimates of 82% of the North American population taking the “covid” jabs, those who took one, two or three jabs will likely be dead in one, two or three years. Town, city, provincial, state and federal governments will be receiving fewer taxes as the economy collapses, will face greater hurdles to help the homeless. The world will soon wake up to the worthlessness of paper money, creating both opportunities and havoc, it would be helpful to provide homeless people with a small concrete home in designated areas. Some communities may choose to provide the homeless with a tent, sleeping bag, a gold pan and a bus ticket and ship them off to Northern British Columbia, Yukon or Alaska, depending upon their nationality. Some communities could be a little more compassionate than other communities, they could not only help provide these small concrete homes for the homeless, they could also provide space for people living in their area to learn new skills and build projects…

City Provides Space For Projects:

The program I envision and outline below is opposite to that of communism, it allows for people to freely innovate and freely travel with their homebuilt creations. The civic, state, provincial and federal governments should all be allowing people to “freely” innovate and build and fly their own aviation creations with no legal hurdles. The issue is about choices, people should be allowed to make choices for themselves and be free to travel in the mode they choose. The program can be established in any city, province, state or country, all that is required are groups of people who desire to build up rather than to tear down, all that is required are groups of people who desire to live free without forcing others to live by their rules.

In Saskatoon the land south of 19th Street West between Avenues B and C and the freeway, and also land south of 20th Street between Avenue A and Third Avenue should be utilized for city residents to develop metal working skills and build small projects, with the immediate goal of becoming skilled enough with TIG welding and aluminum fabrication so that they may build their own small aluminum landing craft, small speed boat or paddle-wheeler, road vehicle, or some sort of airplane. This is land closest to the poorest of the poor, the site is ideal for giving hope to people that have given up hope. The location has river access for launching their finished boats, and a slipway (ramp) can be built in order to launch planes over the South Saskatchewan River, and the building would be large enough to place a runway on the roof so that planes may take off, again to the south-west and over the South Saskatchewan River. I envision a large building downtown that stretches for several blocks and stands approximately ten stories high, the freeway passes through the center of the building, with a slipway heading about 210 degrees to the South-South West so that aircraft can launch off a ramp and over the river.

The higher quality TIG welders that have pulse capability smoke less than most every other welding technology, these welders, grinders, and other equipment that produces smoke, should all be used in conjunction with smoke extractors as the smoke generated from grinders is as harmful as the smoke generated from the welders. These pulse TIG welders utilize very small amounts of power when used to weld thinner materials, lowering the overall costs of the program and lowering the cost to the participants as they learn how to use the equipment.

Those who participate should be provided with secure lockers so they may store their own personal welding supplies and small projects, such as their own tungsten anodes, filler wire, cutting and grinding wheels, masks, gloves and other welding supplies. As devices used for sharpening tungsten anodes are easily contaminated, they should obtain their own anode sharpening devices. The tungsten anodes are held by TIG torches that can be contaminated and broken, people should purchase a TIG torch that feels comfortable and fits their hands and needs. As breathing masks get coated with germs and become moldy, participants should obtain and care for their own should they have desire for one, and they should consider building themselves powered air respirators. Participants should pay daily for the electricity and argon gas they consume, and of course will be required to pay for any metal they require for their chosen projects. People using the donated or borrowed band saw or table saw should put money up front for replacement blades. People should buy their own drill bits and learn how to sharpen them. People running used lumber through planers are risking the destruction of the blades, everybody using the planer should put money up front towards the purchase of new blades.

After the students demonstrate proficiency with AC pulse TIG aluminum welding (by completing small projects such as a fuel tank for their car, truck, bicycle or motorcycle, landing craft or airplane), then they would be eligible for a secure space were they may over time assemble their own small aluminum boat, airplane or all terrain vehicle, or one of the other projects. There should be no MIG or other welders in the facility in order to force the students to become proficient with the TIG welders, which smoke less than the other welders, and because there is demand for skilled TIG welders. At the beginning people would require very small storage lockers, they would trade up to larger lockers as their projects develop.

There should be no woodworking, gluing nor painting conducted in the large downtown facility as efforts must be made to maintain air quality and reduce explosion hazards. Some glues that are more environmentally friendly would be approved for use in the metal working facilities, most gluing would take place in the main woodworking facilities which would be located away from this proposed large downtown projects facility, it is due to both space and safety reasons.

Our woodworking facility can spread over 160 acres of land on the western outskirts of Saskatoon (within 10 miles from Saskatoon, north, south or west of Saskatoon), and if that isn’t enough, then the City of Saskatoon, or the “Aviation Department” would purchase the adjacent quarter section of land. Here people would be encouraged to construct wooden airplanes for themselves. We should be encouraging people to build wooden airplanes for themselves, and we should be putting the majority of our resources into constructing the buildings where these wooden airplanes are to be manufactured. Largely in order to foster innovation, we should allow people to build all sorts of other wooden projects such as boats, rafts or even trailers and containers, projects that are primarily or partially wooden. People building wooden boats and rafts can build them outside, maybe build a roof to help protect your project.

What the City of Saskatoon is paying for the new library downtown far exceeds the cost of the quarter section of land with some garages that contain some donated tools to get us started. And because money can be created out of thin air and used to fund infrastructure projects (see The Grip of Death: A Study of Modern Money, Debt Slavery, and Destructive Economics by Michael Rowbotham), there is really no reason why the citizens of Saskatoon cannot have a woodworking facility focused upon the construction of wooden aircraft.

Many will choose to build their airplanes out of wood as the cost of the meager amount of wood required for a small airplane is negligible, but they would still require some TIG welded parts which they would construct at the downtown facility. Between the downtown metal working shops and the western (or northern or southern) rural wooden works live many people who would benefit from both facilities.

The Aviation Department should have priority over and total oversight of the Boat Building Department and should assume responsibility to maintain security of all people’s projects, and not allow unauthorized access as that would jeopardize the integrity of the projects. The Aviation Department requires people who are skilled in TIG welding and will not waste resources on purchasing nor on training people to operate MIG welders. The MIG welders would be certain to lessen the build time of the boats, but the issue is not to reduce build time of the boats but to teach people to become better TIG welders so they may attempt to build airplanes. Don’t turn people away when they arrive to the facility, provide the person with a chair in a classroom and show them instructional videos rather than application forms questioning their eligibility to participate. I envision a multistory building that would perhaps be the largest building in the province, and if the facility is not large enough to allow people secure space for building their metal boats and metal airplanes then additional facilities would be made available. There would be coffee shops, and ample walkways that would allow visitors to view the projects from behind glass, perhaps we can integrate pedestrian viewing tubes into the facility similar to the tube conveyors at Charles De Gaulle Airport in Paris. Similar spectator platforms and coffee shops would be built into the wooden airplane facility west of the city. We can use assorted city facilities to teach people to pilot both boats and planes. Allowing people to innovate and create will likely reduce drug use, violence, suicide and sodomy, and save tax money over the long term.

The city should anticipate future provincial and federal governments that will encourage innovation and allow people to fly aircraft of their own designs and with minimal or no red tape and interference. Present laws prohibit the homebuilt aircraft from carrying adequate amounts of fuel and prevent the use of multiple engines, both of which adds great measures of safety. Laws prevent people from experimenting with variable swept wing designs, which also increase safety by reducing stall speeds when required. The city should make land available on the eastern and south-western outskirts for landing and parking these homebuilt creations. The city should not wait for future provincial and federal governments to encourage innovation and consider providing space and encouragement for unemployed and underemployed city residents to build their own aircraft now. People should start building their aviation creations now, knowing that future provincial governments will not hamper their ability to innovate, create and fly their own creations but will encourage and help enable them instead. It is a combination of 1) government restrictions, 2) government red-tape and 3) high insurance costs that hamper and even curtail people from innovating, building and flying their own aviation creations, the city of Saskatoon requires new provincial and federal governments to assist us to overcome these hurdles, but we should do our best without their immediate assistance.

The large building I envision to be used for the construction of aircraft should provide space for people to build aircraft of proven designs, and also provide space for people to freely innovate and build an aircraft (or other boats or vehicles) of their own design, but the latter space may be limited due to the construction of the proven designs taking up the space in the facility. It has been done elsewhere and can be done here: groups of people build copies of the same aircraft of a proven design, when the airplanes are completed then the builders draw lots for them. Or these planes may be “completed” without the engines and avionics, after distributing the aircraft (via drawing lots), then the new owner will have the option of which engine and avionics to install into his or her plane. We should be allowing groups of people to manufacture multiple copies of the same plane(s) of proven designs in the city facilities, and we should also seek to provide additional space for individuals to use who are building something unique and innovative. You can participate in a program where you draw lots for an aircraft and yet still be able to innovate by customizing your aircraft with anything from alternative wing and tail designs, extra fuel tanks or by adding electric motors, storage cupboards, or a bed, for example. I suggest that when building your first airplane it is best to follow a proven plan, demonstrate that you can accomplish such a project and then after that is accomplished be first in line to build an airplane of your own design. Those people drawing lots for their airplanes can receive the aircraft complete with wings, and then be free to innovate and change their wings to whatever later. There is a great multitude of airfoil designs that can be chosen for the wings and tails, we could have a program in place where the builders draw lots for the more or less completed fuselages and then the new owners attach the wings they chose to build for themselves… the wings can vary by length, by airfoil, by other attributes. Or you could have a program in place where the Aviation Department allows 100 people to co-operatively build 100 identical STOL wings for example, and then the people draw lots for these STOL wings, and then let the 100 new owners do whatever they want with those wings. It is nice to have choices in life, and the Aviation Department should strive to provide choices for people who are co-operatively working together in one way or another. The Aviation Department may find itself in a situation where the majority of the people wishing to participate all want to build copies of a small paddle-wheeler boat (not an airplane at all), and would have to make facilities available for that project in order the please that majority and help enable that majority to complete their projects. Those people making small paddle-wheeler boats would construct the wooden components in the rural woodworking shop west of the city, and manufacture the metal components at the downtown riverside facility (south of 20th Street stretching from perhaps Third Avenue to Avenue C in Saskatoon, possibly including Idylwyld to Avenue C or D all the way north to 22nd Street).

There may be groups of people who desire and choose to build copies of triplanes, or biplanes, or short takeoff and landing (STOL) bush planes, or high-flying powered gliders that have retractable landing gear, retractable propellers and perhaps small retractable jet engines, or very stable and fast planes that have forward swept wing designs, or helicopters, or gyrocopters, or low-flying ground effect planes. Governments worked hard to prevent innovation and the construction of aircraft in Canada, many aircraft the Canadian government did manage to help build (with taxpayer money) were destroyed, sold below cost or outright given away to Islamists in foreign nations. We should reverse that and work hard to encourage the development of the aviation industry, starting with an aviation industry dedicated to helping impoverished to fly their own airplanes in Canada. We should be making planes that give us access to the northern lakes. We should be building fuel efficient “powered” gliders capable of traveling high up in the jet stream. We could be building biplanes or triplanes and use them for paintball dogfights, spectator admission fees could amount to substantial sums. We should pay attention to the Australian Jabiru program as it allows flexibility in choosing cabin sizes and provides engine and wing options for the builders (see Kitplanes February 2007). Furthermore Jabiru manufactures aluminum engine blocks then completes these new engines with cheap mass produced parts originally designed for automobile engines, Saskatoon’s aviators can accomplish similar.

I don’t see people building replica WWII fighter planes that are powered by 2,000+ horsepower V-12 engines and burn massive amounts of fuel, but instead scaled-down planes that utilize smaller engines that consume far less fuel. Using modern carbon-fiber composites, old designs may be resurrected and made stronger, lighter, more fuel efficient and safer. Some designs are far easier to build than others, back in the day Russian children easily built Yaks out of plywood and similar composites, there is absolutely no reason why children in Saskatoon can’t build improved and somewhat scaled-down or even full-sized Yaks using a combination of aluminum and the newer improved materials in addition to some plywood. We would not be permitting replica Messerschmitt Bf-109’s to be built in the city-owned facilities as the narrow stance of landing gear is a design flaw that killed many pilots. And I’m not sure why anybody in their right mind would want a replica German Focke-Wulf 190, or a replica British Spitfire, or a replica American P-51 Mustang, or a replica America P-47 Thunderbolt, or a replica American P-38 Lightning, or a replica of some stupid Japanese fighter plane when they could easily build and own their own replica of a Russian Yak, likely racism against Slavic people plays a role in their decision making processes. As mayor of Saskatoon I will battle against all forms of racism and sexism. I’m not really running for mayor, the thought was that if I purport to be running for mayor then this book could be viewed as election literature and would be harder to censor.

I can’t sing enough praises for Yaks, and getting the Russian children to build Yaks was perhaps the best move Stalin ever made. Yaks outperformed both the Messerschmitt Bf 109’s and Focke-Wulf 190’s and ended German air supremacy over Russia. Stalin gave the Russian children new hopes and dreams when he got them to build the Yaks, and the Yaks these children built saved Russia from utter ruin. The Russian children were wise to not question Stalin and did what he told them to do, many grew up and became alcoholics. Saskatoon should open doors for people of all ages to learn, to innovate and build, in the hopes that they do not become adult alcoholics like the Russian kids. Composite planes such as Yaks should be manufactured in separate buildings to reduce air quality issues in the main TIG welding building, as working with composites can become an awful mess. Stalin had the kids build Yaks out of composites in part due to the shortage of aluminum, today we can use more aluminum in the construction of the planes together with stronger, lighter and less toxic composites. Americans developed a composite wooden airplane in the late 1930’s thinking that there would be a future shortage of aluminum, which never occurred. I’m sure if Stalin were alive today he would still be building up his air-force. Funny that neither Hitler nor Stalin wanted long-range heavy bombers during WW2 (Stalin wanted Americans to provide him with the heavy bombers he failed to make). Hitler put heavy resources into developing a heavy dive bomber that never worked (you can’t combine heavy with a dive bomber), into developing rockets and jets that barely assisted in his war effort, and into making a variable pitch four-blade propeller, but even if he did not waste resources on these four failed ventures, Stalin had an abundant pool of people and resources in the east that daily constructed an airforce that helped to crush Hitler. Stalin had smaller rockets that he used effectively against Hitler and did not pour resources into developing V2 style rockets during the World War. Stalin eventually invested into the larger rockets but only after he took Berlin. I would have liked to have told both Hitler and Stalin the errors of their ways but nobody listens to me anyway. Suffice to say, Stalin liked his air force and developed composite planes, like the Yak. Squeak squeak.

Resins should be chosen that give off fumes that are not so deadly… some resins are optimized for clarity, some for their ability to withstand heat, some optimized so they flex, others optimized to not vent extremely toxic fumes. The composite planes, such as the Yaks, have better performance due to their better streamlining. Some people will happily deal with the stink and the mess of working with the composites in order to benefit by ending up with a plane that has superior performance, such as the Yak. Instead of somebody like Stalin forcing the kids to work with composites, the kids in Saskatoon are more likely to willingly embrace the venture if given an opportunity. Some people would build their composite planes out of plywood (a composite) without using resins, or have some limited fiberglass or carbon fiber parts integrated into their primarily plywood creations. I’m sure that Stalin’s aviation engineers and the children building these airplanes were highly motivated.

Airplanes and boats require engines and people will be given space to rebuild engines, start by TIG welding a stand that holds your engine (and loose parts) off the ground so you may roll the engine out of the secure storage locker and work on it in the appropriate room given the task at hand. Give each engine a secure storage space so the owner may keep his or her engine secure when they are not present to work on it. Airplanes require slower revving engines than the typical car engine, done to prevent propeller tips from going supersonic. Motorcycle engines may be adapted for use in both boats and airplanes. Rebuilding engines can be costly, numerous people may be starting rebuilds that they are not going to complete in a timely fashion and so will likely require the engine storage lockers for years. Some people may start rebuilds and then discover their engine block is damaged and unusable. People will have to TIG weld new intake and exhaust manifolds and modify their engines in additional ways should they desire to adapt them for aviation. An automobile V8 can be used without a weighty and undesirable Propeller Speed Reduction Unit bolted onto it by maximizing the stroke of the engine while reducing the valve size and while using an appropriate camshaft (see YouTube Video “Homebuilt Airplane Episode 3: Engine Planning”). I wonder if a heavy spacer could be placed at the bottom of the V-6 or V-8 engine block and the crankshaft relocated an inch or so lower, in order to increase the length of the stroke of the engine in an effort to reduce the speed of the engine. Perhaps Jesus would tell us in the afterlife of some of the things we could have done during our lives.

Allow people to rebuild engines that are not suitable for airplanes as the engine could always be used in a boat, and besides they will learn skills that may later be applied to aviation engines. It isn’t up to the city to provide people with parts so they may fix their engines, but the city should provide secure space and encouragement. Many in-line water-cooled 4 or 6-cylinder car engines could prove to be adaptable for either single-engine or multi-engine homebuilt planes. Small block Chevy V8 engine blocks and heads are available in aluminum, cast iron Pontiac V-8 engines (starting in 1955) are lighter than most other cast iron engines. The V-6 engines tend to be lighter than V-8 engines and may be available in aluminum. The trick seems to be to modify the valve timing and minimize the valve size, and perhaps maximize the stroke, in order to slow down the engine adequately so that it can drive a propeller without the use of a Propeller Speed Reduction Unit. Saskatoon’s new Aviation Department would know all about it and would be able to help guide the builders with their choice of engine and parts. There are no reasons why we can’t be manufacturing small radial or small horizontally opposed or even small jet engines for ourselves. Some people will want some space to rebuild an old one-cylinder motorcycle engine, others may want a space so they may build an engine of their own design, hopefully the city could provide the space and people can unite and purchase the machining tools they require.

People working together can accomplish much, we should endeavor to get people to work together to accomplish new transportation goals. My thought was to provide an environment conducive to allowing people to innovate, and an environment that allows those who do not invent and who do not innovate to contribute to the construction of proven aviation and other transportation designs.

There are “kit” planes and there are “plans built” planes. We can quickly begin production of planes if we can decide upon one or more of the existing proven designs of the “plans built” planes. Some builders may chose to go the kit plane route and have many components trucked to the Aviation Department’s facilities, and other builders can see how these aircraft are engineered and witness their assembly. The citizens of Saskatoon could get together and start building planes without having support of the mayor nor the city councilors nor of any other people holding political office whether provincially or federally. Groups of people getting together and co-operatively building planes is a realistic goal, and we should work towards the change of laws to allow for greater freedom to fly our creations. Even if the builders choose to not build the plane co-operatively but instead each build their own airplanes, others will benefit by being able to see the steps required in the construction of that particular model of aircraft. And so both “ plans built” planes and “kit planes” may be constructed at the Aviation Department’s facilities, either by individuals or by co-operative groups of individuals, and yet other people will build aircraft of their own designs, either individually or co-operatively, and every aspect of this may be witnessed by the other builders, and usually through windows in hallways and walkways, windows located at coffee shops and windows at the many places for people to sit and observe the projects. Due to the nature of the projects, sometime builders would retrieve a portion of their project from a secure storage locker and resume work upon it in the metal working and welding facility, or in the wood working facility or in the composite and resins facility, some people would graduate to having their own narrow workshop that is large enough for their fuselage and/or wings, in all circumstances the public would be able to watch the progress from behind glass. There should be little need to provide separate facilities for the vaccinated and the unvaccinated, as the vaccinated are dropping like flies, the injection has damaged their heart muscles and they no longer have the energy to build an aircraft or some kind of other vehicle, and in many cases no longer have the energy to go look at somebody’s project. Or perhaps the “vaccinated” like to take extreme risks and would be more apt to build and fly helicopters.

People may build their planes individually or may build them as a group, or a combination of these options. For example, 100 airframes can be constructed as a group effort by 100 people, and then chosen by lot. Once you have your own airframe then complete it yourself with your own choice of engine, avionics and landing gear… less costly options can be chosen to complete your plane. If you are not flying at night then you don’t require to purchase and install them blinkin’ lights. If you only desire to land on snow or water then you don’t require wheels. Consider manufacturing a seat that fits your personal physique.

Twenty-Eight Build Options:

Build Option One - TIG weld a Boat: Build a boat rather than an aircraft as your first major project as it will likely be easier for most people to complete, but build with the use of TIG welders so you may be more confident should you choose to build an airplane at a later date. Builders will be encouraged to manufacture one of perhaps a dozen different boat designs, including a small landing craft that includes a small heated cabin and is capable of transporting either a Mini-Truck-Sized Vehicle, a seadoo, skidoo or an ATV. Also TIG weld a raft to pull behind your boat. If you are navigating a long distance you would need to pull a raft loaded with fuel and other supplies. Builders would be allowed to store their finished boats and rafts in a secure facility, and the city might consider having a program to assist the new boat owner to transport him or herself, together with the boat, to and from a northern lake. Build the boats so they may transport one or more of the vehicles being constructed in Build Options 8, 9 and 10.

Build Option Two - TIG weld an Aircraft: TIG weld and machine a combination of aluminum, stainless steel and/or titanium parts for your planes, after the smaller parts are manufactured then the builder will be provided space to construct the larger TIG welded air frame. If the builder desires a titanium airframe, then the builder will be improving their titanium welding skills by making a few small titanium parts for their plane, such as a titanium oil reservoir. Consider building a powerful, strong and light weight STOL (Short Take Off and Landing) airplane or a scaled-down Consolidated Catalina, or some other aircraft that is a suitable design to be built using a TIG welder.

Build Option Three - Composite Aircraft Option: Composite planes may be built primarily out of wood, fiberglass and/or carbon fiber, perhaps using the same construction techniques used to manufacture the de Havilland Mosquito. The Mosquito’s fuselage was built in two separate halves, a left side and a right side, and then united. Some TIG welded parts will still be required. See “Mosquito Construction” by the Calgary Mosquito Society on YouTube, and “Mosquito: A Pictorial History of the DH98” by Philip Birtles.

Build Option Four - TIG weld a Trailer: TIG weld a trailer for hauling your vehicle. As with the other projects, trailers will be constructed by first building the smaller components and storing them in secure lockers before granting room to construct the complete project in a secure building booth. In lieu of a trailer, participants may instead choose to TIG weld a deck for the back of their truck that lifts and lowers their boat, plane or other vehicle into place. This option is not for people to build camping trailers, but to build flatdeck trailers or specialized trailers for hauling boats, planes, small trucks and ATV’s. Consider building a drop-deck trailer.

Build Option Five - Rebuild an Internal Combustion Engine: Rebuild any internal combustion engine. Blueprint, balance and assemble matching pairs of engines for use in your twin-engine boat or plane. TIG weld a few manifolds for your engines. Likely some machining will be conducted off-site due to lack of required machining tools. The city should be providing secure space for the projects, it is up to the builders to provide both materials and tools.

Build Option Six - TIG weld Containers: Fabricate aluminum, stainless or titanium gasoline tanks, diesel fuel tanks, water tanks, alcohol or oil tanks that fit your particular truck, car, boat, raft, aircraft, ATV, motorcycle, bicycle or trailer. Fabricate a tank for compressed air that fits a selected spot on your vehicle such as inside the C-Channel frame of your vehicle. Make yourself a titanium whiskey flask. Make secure tanks to haul your drinking water, hydrogen peroxide, alcohol, first aid supplies, dish soap, bleach, oatmeal, string, wire, tape, dried fruit, grain, nuts, clothes and such, bring these items in bulk quantities if you are headed into Siberia.

Build Option Seven - Tracks and Skis: Manufacture tracks for the front and rear of your four-wheel drive vehicle. Or manufacture tracks for the rear of your rear-wheel drive vehicle and manufacture skis for the front wheels. Or manufacture electrically powered front tracks for your rear-wheel drive vehicle, effectively turning it into a four-wheel drive vehicle.

Build Option Eight - Small Trucks: The Japanese made small and light 4-wheel drive Suzuki trucks that are suitable for adding four light weight tracks, these light weight vehicles appear to be able to drive over any depth of snow. Manufacture a vehicle similar to these Japanese vehicles, but with the same outer dimension (same width and perhaps height), so we may easily transport both the Japanese trucks and our own creations at the same time and then land them some distant port with fewer logistical issues. Having vehicles that share many parts would be a great bonus to the builders should they use their similar vehicles in a convoy for either a visit or for emigration to some distant land. Manufacture replacement parts for those mini trucks and for your tracks. Take advantage of other build options and customize your mini-truck with canisters and containers and modify the body to aid functionality (Build Option Six), add tracks (Build Option Seven), or even rebuild the engine (Build Option Five).

Build Option Nine - Amphibious ATV-4: Build an “Amphibious” All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) similar to the Russian Sherp, this is a four-wheeled vehicle. Build these vehicles so they share most if not all their mechanical parts, arrange it so the convoy can easily maintain the vehicles while on the road. The larger Russian Sherp is large enough to transport a dozen people, a vehicle such as this might be large enough to transport your worldly goods should you choose to emigrate or flee to the mountains. Perhaps there would be enough interest that we could build this amphibious vehicle in three different sizes, people could choose which version to build. Then of course customize your vehicle with canisters from Build Option Six. Work on your engine in Build Option Five.

Build Option Ten - Amphibious ATV-6: Build an “Amphibious” ATV that has 6 drive wheels, with the center pair of wheels located precisely between the front and rear wheels. Build the vehicle so that it “tracks” the same as the 4-wheel-drive Sherp-like vehicle from Build Option Nine, and consider building it to work independently or as an attached trailer that helps to propel the Sherp-like vehicle from that previous build option. Different vehicles from Build Options Eight, Nine and Ten can be made to attach to one another and form a train that can travel over the swamps, tundra and mountain passes.

Build Option Eleven - Frame Stretch: Stretch the frame of your car or truck, possibly even adding a tag axel, results in superior braking, stability and greater load capacity. Or stretch the frame and then add an electrically, hydraulically or mechanically driven second rear end… if you can afford to purchase the parts, the machining and the welding supplies, then you may build it. Once you stretch the frame of your vehicle you will find room for propane tanks, custom built canisters, spare tires and such.

Build Option Twelve - Two-wheel-drive motorcycle: Build a two-wheel drive motorcycle from scratch or add an electric front-wheel drive to an existing rear-wheel drive motorcycle. Power the vehicle with either a 4-stroke internal combustion engine or with electric motors, or a combination of different motors.

Build Option Thirteen - Bicycles and Quadricycles: Construct carbon fiber, stainless steel or aluminum bicycles or quadricycles from scratch and then add the electric motors if desired. See how easy it is to TIG weld yourself some sort of peddle “bicycle” and soon you will want to TIG weld a frame for flight. Become good enough with your TIG welds and donate some of your time to the Aviation Department.

Build Option Fourteen - Go Camping: Build a tiny light weight titanium portable stove, perhaps a 2 or 3 pound wood-burning stove that collapses and fits into your back-pack with which you may heat your tent, should you go hiking or lose your home. Or build a somewhat larger but still relatively light-weight titanium stove (and stove pipe) suitable to heat larger tents and enclosures. Make a diesel heater to heat the interior of your vehicle or trailer, it vents the dangerous gasses to the outside and keeps your windows fog free. Make small alcohol burning stoves. Convert your truck or van so that it is suitable to use for camping, add shelves, closets, toilets, sinks. Make a water tank that is custom fitted to your car, truck or van. Make an electrical fence to keep bears and other predators out of your camping area.

Build Option Fifteen - Dirigible or Blimp: TIG weld a small dirigible or powered blimp capable to lifting you, your engine, fuel or batteries and a few supplies. Expect to labor on the fabric in a separate facility to reduce risks to others. Fabricate your metal parts in the metal working shops.

Build Option Sixteen - Helicopter: TIG Weld a One-Seater Helicopter. Good luck.

Build Option Seventeen - Gyrocopter: TIG Weld a Gyrocopter. Gyrocopters are far safer and easier to fly than a helicopter. Build it to accommodate just yourself or passengers as well.

Build Option Eighteen - WWI Fighter: Build a light-weight bi-plane or a light-weight tri-plane that resembles WW1 fighters, all the airplanes are to meet strict weight, power and speed requirements, all are to be equipped with paint ball guns and are used for aerial dog fighting competitions. The members could rent or purchase a section (640 acres) of farm land to periodically hold their events. These airplanes will have very slow stall speed and can also be used to hunt wild boar. As the wild boar population in Saskatchewan balloons, these aircraft, when properly equipped, would be most helpful in combating the spread of the pigs. The wild boar attack and eat people, grow to in excess of 1,000 pounds, insanity is to allow their numbers to continue to escalate while reducing people’s access to firearms while impoverishing them and reducing their mobility.

Build Option Nineteen - BD-4: Build a variation of a BD-4 airplane. These are plans-built planes that are well designed, fast, easy to build, and do not require welding. Build the BD-4 as a two-seater, or build a variation of the plane that seats four. People can snap these airplanes together in very little time, especially when working as a group. Customize your BD-4 with carbon fiber and titanium parts, fancy landing gear, clear doors, small jet or rocket engines and such. You have options, you can still use a TIG welder to build some of the components for your airplane.

Build Option Twenty - Horse-Drawn Wagons: Join with others to make a stage-coach line, or build your own wooden wagon, perhaps a gypsy wagon, covered wagon, chuck wagon or sheep-herder’s wagon. Make your own wooden wheels or make your wheels out of metal or carbon fiber. The city should provide space for such projects, space for piles of wood that are being cured, dry space to park the completed wagons, and suitable space for the teams of horses that visit the city from the rural areas. Save weight in your wooden wagons by using aluminum or carbon fiber where you desire. I’d like to see Yorath Island developed to accommodate horses (and completed wagons) visiting our city. It is not for construction of wagons but there should be a blacksmith shop present. Those cowboys and Indians who have or hope to have horses should build a bridge, a corral, a camp and a fort. Yorath Island could then be used for an old western movie set. The bridge needs to be made out of logs in order to be useful for the old western movies. If you can’t build a bridge, then ford the river, it is shallow enough for the horses to cross. Some will use their horse-drawn wagons to transport people to and from the rural gardens, some will use their wagons to haul meat and vegetables back to Yorath Island, where the meat and vegetables would be sold at a market there. Some people would use Yorath Island to make movies about Russian Tsars, or Russian peasants, or Russian Jews, or Russian Jews battling Russian Tsars and Russian peasants, or European knights battling Moslems or Vikings or space aliens or some damn thing like that. Others would go to Yorath Island for a family picnic and bird watching. The island should be developed in a manner that the poor could be included, I suggest we do so in this manner.

Build Option Twenty-One - Fabrics, Leather and Veneers: Make yourself pants that actually fit: Become proficient in making pants that fit yourself and fit your family members. Make fire resistant pants for the people building aircraft or other projects. Find poorly dressed psychiatric abuse victims and make them pants that fit as well. Become proficient in working with cloth, leather and wood veneers (required for all the aircraft, boats, mini-trucks, ATVs, dirigibles, blimps, trailers, helicopters and horse-drawn wagons). Make a tent that can accommodate a wood-burning stove. All space provided will be conducted away from the major build options in order to reduce fire and other hazards.

Build Option Twenty-Two - Go Mining: Tig weld a water pump, construct it out of a combination of titanium and steel, attach it to a 24-volt motor, build another and attach it to an internal combustion engine. Build another as a backup. Build another with somewhat greater or lesser capacity, use 4-cycle engines from broken down lawn mowers to run your water pumps and to charge your batteries for your electrical water pumps. Turn every broken down lawnmower you can find into a water pump or for another mining use. Build a small wash plant that includes a conveyor belt, trommel and sluice. Build wind and water turbines to run that water pump, maybe have the electrical capacity capable of powering the conveyor belt and trommel as well. Everything fits into a vehicle (and/or trailer) the size of a Japanese mini-truck, or onto a small trailer capable of being pulled by such a vehicle. Or eschew the Japanese mini-trucks and small trailers and use instead full sized trucks (half tons and one tons or larger) and larger trailers. Also build a shaker table and a centrifuge and try to find space for them on your truck or trailer. Build a water purification plant to supply drinking water for yourself, and build a water filtration system to provide clean water for your trommel, sluice and other mining equipment. Build shaking screens or spinning trommels to classify material by size, then batch process like-sized materials down your sluice or centrifuge. Build conveyor belts to send material to and through your gold and mineral processing plant, make them light and small enough so they may be transported upon your mobile wash plant (truck or van pulling a trailer). Put together a 24-volt off-grid electrical system for your truck or trailer, and build it in such a way that people may temporarily pair up and combine their 24-volt electrical systems into 48-volt systems and thereby supply power in greater amounts and to greater distances. Some areas that permit mining require that your pump and hoses are a maximum of one and one-half inches in diameter, equip your mining van or truck and trailer to have a sluice that will function with such a small water pump, and make wider sluices for your larger sized water pumps and hoses that can be legally used where applicable and when you have ample material to warrant using the larger sluices. Build shaking screens to separate gold from gravel without the use of water. Consider having two different sized belt conveyors, the small one to run with the smaller sluices and with the other smaller mining equipment. Make it easy to attach a chain to the front or back of your vehicle. Build a propelled tracked drill, or build the drill and attach it to your metal-tracked bulldozer, or just build the drill, and go drill some sampling holes into the Canadian Shield. Build another belt conveyor so you may transport your ore to greater distances, build a bucket conveyor. Many of the mining projects people choose to make could require both extensive room and extensive welding, it would be best to obtain land specifically for these mining related projects, outside of the city. People interested in gold mining could meet in the meeting rooms at the TIG welding facility in downtown Saskatoon, where we are building airplanes and perhaps a few boats. Perhaps you can form a partnership with others that you meet there and go mining as a group.

Build Option Twenty-Three - Wooden Car: Build a wooden automobile that can swim or not. Maybe build your wooden car as an amphibian that is equally at home on land as in the water. Use wood joining techniques (wooden biscuits, dovetail joints, Japanese joints…) to manufacture the wooden body. Build the body as a car or as a van or as a truck. Build this “automobile” with light weight retractable wheels, perhaps using bicycle rims. Some bicycle tires inflate to beyond 100 pounds of pressure allowing the vehicle to roll effortlessly on pavement. There is a wide range of propulsion options. You’d be using space and tools belonging to the Aviation Department which prefers you build a light weight wooden vehicle that has retractable wheels, so you can learn skills that can be later directed towards building wooden airplanes, which are in need of retractable wheels. Put your minds together and figure out ways to retract your light-weight wheels and make them strong enough to sustain a runway landing. Make carbon fiber panels or carbon fiber structural parts or metal components for your wooden vehicle in the appropriate buildings. Spruce is a recommended wood for aircraft construction and there are many Spruce trees growing here, and yet more can be grown, I imagine you can build automobiles out of Spruce.

Build Option Twenty-Four - Hovercraft: A hovercraft may go where no ATV, snowmobile, boat nor truck can go, consider building one. Consider joining with others to decide upon a set of plans and then building copies of the same hovercraft.

Build Option Twenty-Five: Build a sports car capable of driving 100 km/hour (or faster) that can deploy its wings in a second (or less), a “car” that is able to launch from a hiway (or from a rougher trail), perhaps a car that can be shot out a tube and then extends its wings after leaving the tube. Cars equipped as such require windsocks placed along hiways.

Build Option Twenty-Six: Wind powered automobiles would make sense if the government provided wider hiways and stations where people and their sail-powered vehicles can reside at while waiting for winds from the appropriate direction. Perhaps in the future your rulers may demand that you eat insects and travel in sail-powered vehicles (if your social score is high enough), and by building your sail car now you will have a jump on the future!!! Corrupted politicians are doing all they can to destroy the economies of western nations, Canada and USA are both preventing the extraction and refining of oil while importing massive quantities of oil from Islamic nations located on the other side of the world. Rather than fighting for the retention of their freedom and the retention of their nations, people are more apt to make sails for the cars and phone the police if they see somebody sneeze without a mask on. Of course all the sail-making will be conducted in a facility that is well separated from the other facilities in order to reduce fire hazards.

Build Option Twenty-Seven: Truck Box. Again using secure lockers and this time lockers that are just large enough to accommodate a Ranger truck box or the box of some favoured half-ton or three-quarter ton or one-ton truck, and perhaps somewhat wider and longer than a truck box as the project may exceed the confines of the box and extend somewhat over the front, sides or at the rear. If you have the truck and want to work on the box inside the building (where you are provided with a secure storage locker), then you would have to remove the box and park the truck elsewhere (to eliminate fire risks and such). Place the truck box on a cart that rolls upon the rails and so it may be moved back and forth between the storage locker and the shop. Some projects will be taller than others and so some people will have storage lockers that are as much as ten feet tall, tall enough so that they could build a small home. Some old truck boxes are 9 feet long. You may also use that truck box to accommodate a wash plant and sluices in the bottom 6 or 8 inches, then utilize the space above for the small house. If the project in the truck box requires welding and machining then it would obtain these modifications before being sent to the woodworking facilities where it would be provided with a new storage locker and run upon the same gauge of rails as it is being moved to the alternative shops where the work will be conducted. Once the truck box project contains wood it would be excluded from returning to the Saskatoon’s Aviation Department’s welding and machine shops. Any manner of projects may be constructed and merged with a truck box. Make a tiny home with a heated granite floor, make your floorboards out of Lapis Lazuli, make a stain glass window. Install a diesel heater or a small wood burning stove. Install an electrical system with lights, fridge and air conditioner. Build drawers and a closet to hang and store your clothes. Some people will later mount their truck box on the back of a truck, some will turn the project into a trailer to be pulled behind a vehicle.

Build Option Twenty-Eight: Build a narrow gauge railway. Select a gauge wide enough so that people may build rail cars of adequate size to function as a small home, the two-foot gauge was popular in the USA and should remain as the most likely narrow gauge to adopt. The two-foot gauge is large enough that the train can be economically viable in transporting people and materials. Build either a small live steam engine that runs on wood, or coal, or preferably oil, or build a small diesel-electric locomotive or a locomotive powered by a gasoline engine. Private passenger cars can be made in a myriad of floor plans, I imagine most would be made to have washrooms with a toilet and shower, the cars could be made with or without kitchens and dining rooms and bedrooms. The private passenger cars on a two-foot gauge would be large enough to have separate rooms for horses or other animals, and room to haul ATV’s, boats and such. Construct some cars containing seats for the paying public. Make some third-class seating that is hard and uncomfortable. Run some tracks around a lake and provide places for people to detach their private cars so they may camp and fish. Maybe use the existing abandoned rail beds around Eagle Creek Provincial Park and offer rides to park visitors. Have the train stop at cooperative gardening spaces to drop off workers and water and to pick up vegetables. Have a meeting and see if people favour the two-foot gauge or a gauge somewhat smaller and start producing rolling stock for the railway. Slowly build a railway for yourselves as opposed to spending many millions of dollars purchasing engines and rail cars built elsewhere and leaving yourselves in never ending debt. Some of the smaller work can be done at the downtown metalworking facility, major work would be conducted outside of the city.

Goink On and On About the Twenty-Eight Build Options:

People living in rental accommodations just don’t have room for such projects, nor have they room for the completed projects, and are always at risk of losing any investment they park or store inside or out. And people living under parental control also risk losing their projects at home, either by parents, siblings or others. The city should help provide space so people can learn new skills and use their time creatively and productively, and people would be more likely to utilize the facilities when they have some assurance that their projects are secure. Very young children should be allowed to start building their own aircraft and can be provided with a storage locker for their own wooden aircraft project when under parental supervision, the parents and children can have their own building location.

Store your uncompleted vehicles in secure storage lockers, roll the project out to work on it. Have another secure storage locker nearby for your boat project, yet another storage locker for your aircraft project, in each case you would be surrounded by people building similar projects. You would also have a secure storage locker in the TIG welding facilities for the aircraft parts that you are manufacturing out of metal there. If you are building a fuselage or a wing, that fuselage or wing can be placed on a rolling wall and tucked away securely while taking up very little space. Depending upon the vehicle, fuselage or the wing(s), it may be preferable to mount the projects upon rolling tables, and then tuck these away in the appropriate slots for secure storage. Perhaps with a press of a button your project and tools can roll out on rails.

Some builders, after building some parts for their aircraft, may decide that they want an alternative aircraft - these people should be able to trade the parts they thoughtlessly manufactured for the alternative parts they now require. Choices of which aircraft included in a “trading parts program” as such could be limited to a very small handful of aircraft designs, for example just support three designs: a single-seater STOL, a two-seater STOL, and a four-seater STOL. A “trading parts program” as such would help women who can’t make up their minds. For example Cindy may have initially wanted to build and own a two-seater STOL and started building the required parts, but after three months of hard work she went and changed her mind and announced to all her new intention to build and own a four-seater STOL instead. Cindy would likely flick her hair back, lightly stroke her eyebrow and giggle a little when she made the announcement. By having a “trading parts program” established, some people will feel more confident in beginning a project and can immediately jump into machining and TIG welding some of the required parts for their hastily chosen airplane project. This trading option is possible when considering that some people are building parts for credits to use elsewhere. Some people may build parts for the Aviation Department just to get experience with TIG welding and machining, or to gain in some other reward, and so periodically parts would come available to the builders and likely the builders of each particular airplane would have to draw for the particular parts that were manufactured by people who had no intention of completing the project for themselves. Perhaps the person who machined and welded a part hadn’t yet made up his or her mind which airplane they should own, or wanted experience welding steel, aluminum or titanium parts. Some parts would be poorly welded by those who come to the facility to practice their TIG welding skills, aircraft builders who successfully draw lots to obtain these first and second-class parts and can grind down and then improve upon any poor welds, and so can still successfully use these beginner-welded parts for their projects, I figure.

The Aviation Department could approve a small handful of different designs of aircraft that could participate in a “trading parts program” (three different STOLS, perhaps three different amphibious aircraft as well). Likely Cindy fingered that if she built a four-seater STOL she would end up working closer with Steve (a handsome young feller), who was building one as well. Later Steve would abandon his project in order to get away from Cindy, no doubt. Steve’s work would not be in vain for with this “trading parts program” he can obtain some of the parts he requires for his new project, either a one, two or four-seater amphibious aircraft, or a one or two seater STOL. People who come to the facilities may not desire to build an aircraft, but only desire to improve their welding skills, and they would be making components for these 3 different STOLS and 3 different amphibious aircraft…. An individual may build either a specific one, two and four seater STOL, or build a specific one, two or four-seater amphibious aircraft, and by sticking to these six specific blueprints maybe get some parts from people practicing their welding skills.

The Aviation Department should be in charge of administering the security of Build Options One through Nineteen while the cowboys and girls involved in Build Option Twenty would oversee their facilities separately. The people working with cloth, leather and wood veneers in Build Option Twenty-One would conduct their affairs in separate facilities but will have their facilities operate under the direction of the Aviation Department, which is in vital need of materials made of cloth, leather and wood veneers. The people building mining equipment (Build Option Twenty-Two) are in need of tools and secure storage lockers, and again will be operating under the oversight of the Aviation Department, which is in need of gold so that it can purchase other metals. Many airplanes are built from wood, allowing people to make wooden amphibious cars in Build Option Twenty-Three would build their skill set and may result in them desiring to build an airplane as their following project, and again the Aviation Department would provide the secure facilities.

Anybody building composite planes or composite wings, and people involved in painting and gluing, will conduct their affairs in separate facilities designed to handle the stink and the mess. The senior aviators in Saskatoon’s Aviation Department may eventually develop planes of our own designs and turn those designs into easy-to-build kits (which will generate income). Other communities will desire to partner with Saskatoon’s Aviation Department, some may offer to build parts for our use in trade for parts we manufacture here. Some family members might help out by making pies, jams and such and selling these food items in the Aviation Department’s Food Court and Eating Area and Lounge, located in a portion of the huge building facing the river, next to The Aviation Department’s Dance Hall. The food court would be a popular attraction and the money raised is required to heat the place and purchase materials for the aviation projects, and perhaps cover law suits, or some damn thing like that.

We should be building water taxis, such as gyrocopters with pontoons that seat between 4 to 7 people, or amphibious airplanes that accomplish the same. We should have ground effect taxis travelling just above the rivers or in other designated areas, connecting communities. We should have rocket assisted aircraft designed specifically to travel the nearly identical distance to either Calgary or Edmonton. We should have small detachable rockets designed to assist the launching of planes, and smaller rockets designed to give gliders a little push. We could have sports cars that deploy wings in a second (or less), wings that plop into play (Build Option Twenty-Five).

Check out the DG-808J powered glider constructed by Desert Aerospace, LLC, it can launch itself with a pair of tiny turbine engines (PBS TJ40 engines) and retract these turbines into the fuselage after they cool. Even when the engines are shut down and are remaining exposed, the glider still obtains a 40:1 glide ratio.

Should have a meeting of those people wanting to build their own airplanes, people could present their ideas of which plane for the group to build. If we had 1000 people at the meeting, 703 of them may end up wanting something similar to the DG-808J powered glider with the PBS TJ40 engines, so we would be in need of 1,406 engines for them. But the other 297 people wanting to build alternative airplanes may also want one or more of these same engines to power or help power their aircraft as well. It seems to make sense to me that the Aviation Department builds engines similar to the PBS TJ40 engine.

Ground-effect land-skimming vehicles could periodically be flying perhaps two feet above electrical wires, from which they wirelessly charge and propel themselves. Being quite flat, Saskatchewan makes the ideal testing location for these electrically propelled ground-effect land-skimming, extremely highly efficient aircraft. We could perhaps actively strive to link Saskatoon with both Calgary and Edmonton with corridors for these elevated automobiles. The Canadian prairies are ideally suited for the ground-effect land-skimming vehicles. Some people building these electrically powered land skimming vehicles may opt to include a pair of PBS TJ40 engines so they may leave the confines of the electrical grid.

We should be building a prototype of a composite single seat mono-wing airplane (such as a Yak), as the cost per composite aircraft could, depending upon materials used, be lower than constructing TIG welded airframes. Reduce the cost of the airplanes to make them an achievable goal to work towards. We could reduce the cost of the aircraft by covering concrete, wood, plastic or styrofoam forms with aviation grade spruce plywood. The left side of a composite (plywood) aircraft fuselage can be pulled out of a secure storage locker and be worked upon, using such a system will allow for greater participation and a larger number of aircraft being started. Once completing one side of the airplane fuselage, the builder will be provided with a second storage locker for the other half of his or her airplane, eventually the builder will have the two halves to unite and will be provided with a larger storage locker to secure that fuselage while work on other components is conducted. I imagine Cindy would see some handsome and muscular feller, perhaps Steve, building the right side of his chosen airplane, then Cindy would of course start building the left side of said aircraft, and then actively, or incessantly, seek to unite their projects. Cindy would flick her hair back, lightly stroke her eyebrow and giggle a little when she asked Steve if he wanted to join their sides together, I’m sure. See “Mosquito: A Pictorial History of the DH98” by Philip Birtles.

Check out the video on YouTube called Building an Airplane Out of Wood - You Can Do It! (27 minutes long). It isn’t easy as every piece of wood must be carefully chosen, it is likely far easier to build the airplane out of metal. The time required to obtain wood of superior grain is a non-issue with the construction of metal aircraft. Furthermore wooden airplanes require far superior shelter once constructed as the weather degrades the wood. The video says that many airplanes have metal fuselages and wooden wings.

People should consider buying and using their own cutting blades on the communally used equipment, or at least have spares available for the tools they are using. I imagine a slew of older donated metal working and wood working machines that are kept operational by people investing into their own cutting blades and drill bits and such.

Check out the video on YouTube called The Insane Engineering of The Spitfire (22 minutes long), the elliptical wings contain a great amount of space that can be utilized for fuel and landing gear, although originally provided space for guns and ammo. The wings are built using aluminum tubes that are stacked inside of other aluminum tubes. We can build similar elliptical wings in Saskatoon and attach them to a wide variety of different airplanes, or others may choose to construct airplanes that resemble Spitfires. People opting to build wings that are not elliptical can still make use of this building strategy, but you would be losing out on the extra storage provided by the elliptical wings.

We could be concurrently working upon a prototype of a TIG welded single-seat STOL (short take off and landing) airplane, in part to avoid paying a license fee to use some other person’s plans, in part so that the Aviation Department would receive a license fee if other builders chose to adopt our plans, and mostly so that we learn how to design and build airplanes. We could develop several different one-seater STOL airplanes and evaluate the ease of building, cost of building and performance of each aircraft. We could encourage those builders who wish to innovate and who desire to build their own design of aircraft, to build a one-seater STOL and compete with others in a competition of one-seater STOL’s, and we will see. And another window for innovation is to have a second competition where people are invited to build airplanes that resemble World War One fighter airplanes, they can be monoplanes, biplanes or tri-planes, they should have open cockpits and otherwise closely resemble World War One fighter planes, and people would be invited to paint the planes to match the paint schemes of the planes that flew in WW I so that the film industry can participate in this and make realistic WW I movies. Many of these innovative airplanes the participants invent could be fitted with paint ball machine guns and the builders could then engage in aerial paint ball dogfights. The Aviation Department could generate a sizable income from the general public who would pay to watch the spectacle, the funds could be used for developing engines and such. I encourage people who are building their own planes to build one-seater or better yet two-seater STOLs, not necessarily to carry a second person but to carry additional fuel and supplies.

Restoring The American Republic:

“I believe that all of those forces within our country are there to distract us and prevent us from removing the prime threat, which is globalist control of our governments. In our effort to restore the American Republic, our first priority must be regaining command and control; routing out the globalist infiltrators and their infrastructure from our land. Once we have accomplished that task and restored American command over our governments, then we can turn our undivided attention to the Mexican invasion and Islam, as well as any other force seeking our destruction.” - Thomas Mick, Restoring the American Republic, March 31 2014

“The plan of action I have proposed removes all oath breakers, starting at the local level, in order to restore our rights and liberty; returning government to the limitations the Constitution imposed on them… This plan doesn’t plead with them to stop their usurpation, nor does it seek to impeach them through the corrupt system they’ve establish that protects them; it simply calls for their removal and replacement with people who understand what the oath is and will perform their duties consistent with it. - Thomas Mick, Restoring the American Republic, April 22 2014
Jeffrey Rubard
2023-01-10 17:10:51 UTC
Post by Squeaky Squeaky
Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part A - Daryl Kabatoff
January 7th 2023 6:49 pm 170,169 words (194 pages)
“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer
“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard
Aviation, Boating, TIG Welding
ATV’s, Mini-Trucks
4x4’s, 6x6’s, 8x8’s
Tracked Vehicles
Velodrome and Bicycles
Wooden Aircraft, Boats and Cars
Horse Drawn Wagons
Bison and Affordable Home Ownership
Live Steam Engines
Banking, Wealth Management
Diamonds, Gold and Money
Female Fashion Trends
Pants That Fit
Largest Building in Saskatchewan
British, German and Russian History
Islamic History
High School Students, Hockey Players
Big-Nosed Cree
Gun Laws, Ballistics
Native Governance
Restaurants and Fine Dining
Appeasement and Being Nice
Law of 22 Prairial
Psychiatric Abuse, Horror
Blinkin’ Lights and Fertility Rites
Metallurgy and “Science”
Son of Sam
Yaks and Yakutia (The Sakha Republic)
Magadan and Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy
Marina Galkina, Bob Fink, Vernon Coleman
Thomas Mick, Restoring the American Republic
Religion and Humor
The Anti-Christ Revealed
Red and White Depopulation Jabs
El Nino and La Nina Climate Oscillations
1) the right to own property, including land and guns
2) the right to grow food and other plants, to raise and prepare animals for food, to sell your food
3) the right to decide upon the education of your children
4) the right to free speech and beliefs
5) the right to not be forced into psychiatric or any other medical care
6) the right to be paid in real money which is gold and silver coins, the right to mine a small gold claim in your nation
7) the right to not have your tax money used to support foreigners, many of whom desire our deaths. The right not to have your tax money used to support people of your own nationality, many of which are in need due to their poor habits. The right to not have your tax money used to support medical “care” for anybody, as it is now evident that the “care” provided for many is designed to maim and kill. The right not to have your tax money used to fight wars in foreign nations, as it is evident that the wars are designed to impoverish people of our own nation and bring about our own demise. The right not to have your tax money used to support schools, as these schools are teaching children to alter their sex, engage in abhorrent sexual behavior, to adopt Catholic fertility rites… the schools teach your children to become docile communists and are used to encourage your children to hand over their nations over to Islamists
8) the right to “freely” innovate, to fly your own aviation creations and to operate other mobile creations without government interference, with either no or minimal taxation, the right to movement
Affirm that you support these eight points on your election literature and run for office under the “Republic” ticket. Defend the Republic of the United States of America, fight for a Republic in Canada and in other nations. If you are not comfortable publicly defending the idea of a Republic (as opposed to a democracy which always seems to lead to a dictatorship), then you can still affirm you are defending the points listed above in your election literature.
I believe that people should also have the right to innovate and place their own automotive creations on the roads but should be taxed for road construction and road maintenance. Somewhat similarly, people flying will have to pay for airport landing and storage fees should they choose to land at and fly from such facilities. People flying or driving their own creations should have affordable insurance available to them, they should be allowed to pay the same low rate required to insure a 20-year-old mid-sized automobile, or even a lower rate as an incentive, in order to motivate people to innovate and create. Governments should continue to insure that the private aircraft are not a hazard to the commercially flown aircraft and restrict their flight in certain locations. Regardless, governments should be giving people options and not taking options away.
I believe that people should NOT be handed free homes paid for by taxing others, nor be provided with welfare assistance so they may pay rent to landlords. Any financial assistance directed to housing should be directed toward the purchase of materials (ideally concrete) for the construction of small homes.
Inflation is NOT rising prices, rising prices is but a result of inflating the paper money supply. By paying people in gold and silver coins (instead of paper dollar bills), inflation of the paper money supply and the resulting increase in the prices of consumer goods would be eliminated, thereby allowing people to earn enough money (gold and silver coins) so they may purchase or build a home, unless they piss their money away. Gold-bearing regions in Canada should be opened up to the average Canadian so they may stake and work a claim. The inflation of the money supply should be limited to the extraction (and importation) of gold and silver and converting this into coins. Gold and silver should not be traded in any electronic or paper form in part to help determine the true value of silver in relationship to gold, and in part to stop criminal activities tied to this ponzi scheme, and in part to get rid of the corrupt banking system. We should be able to transition to a more sane economy based on circulating gold and silver coins, and/or coins containing primarily a mixture of gold and silver without having to resort to persecuting Jews or any other religious group. Using Scripture, (Jewish Laws), we can cancel all the national and personal debts every 49 or 50 years or so, and deport or slay the invaders, or those we are invading, or some damn thing like that.
Many millions of acres of land in Canada and the USA that are gold-bearing are being mined by foreigners or by those Canadians and Americans who provide themselves with special privileges, or have the funds to climb legal hurdles (government restrictions on your freedom requiring teams of lawyers to overcome), or the land and the wealth within is claimed by the crown (The Queen of England and soon by Charles, her son), it is land that citizens should be able to work in order to build wealth for themselves.
Homeless people can be provided with a small (I suggest 200 square feet with a 17 foot ceiling) concrete structure in the countryside where they may pay a mortgage on the land, on the concrete poured, and on the oil stove, door and windows installed. People can live in tents and trailers in the gold-bearing regions where they would have the right to mine the metal, should they wish they may return to the protection of their small permanent concrete home located in a non-mining area, perhaps in another province or state… that is if they have their mortgage payments on these small concrete houses up to date (which should not be hard as many would continue to collect welfare from the provincial or state governments that includes a housing allowance). I believe people should have homes and that it should be done in such a way to prevent banks and landlords from benefiting. Help provide the homeless (including the home renters and the apartment dwellers) with small concrete homes in the countryside (at least 20 miles away from the cities), make opportunities available to them so they may pay the mortgages, make sure these mortgages are paid off before they add to the size of the structure. I suggest that these new homeowners be allowed to add vertically rather than spread out in order to retain land for gardens and for bison. I would like to see this done without using any tax money as politicians should not have the right to give your money to charity, in part because they use these charities to funnel money back to themselves. “Charity is no part of the legislative duty of the government,” said James Madison. I believe we can solve much of the homeless crisis when governments allow the subdivision of a limited amount of land for specific purpose of creating a bison reserve that doubles as an area for the tiny concrete homes, and by allowing concerned citizens who have wealth to build the concrete structures and expect the investment to be returned via monthly mortgage payments from the occupants. Those who have the wealth to invest in the project should see their investment grow due to their expanding bison herd, and should not have to gouge the home owners (those who are paying the mortgages) huge interest on the concrete structures. Charity is not a part of the government, but a group of people who have wealth can be charitable with their wealth and assist the homeless to have homes. The wealthy would be rewarded with a return of their money, plus they would get a safer, more peaceful and a more productive community, and if projects such as this are widespread it would help the entire nation to thrive.
Because the concrete structures are small (200 square feet), the mortgage holder (resident) may be able to make 12 monthly payments or less and pay off the debt. After the debt is paid, the new homeowner may pour additional concrete inside the home or on the second or even the third floors, or construct these additional floors with alternative building materials if they are not being noisy (hammering can be avoided by using screws). I propose that the second and third floors each be allowed a square footage of up to 800 square feet. The 800 square foot concrete second floor could be poured at the same time that the 200 square foot first floor dwelling is poured, but the thousands of additional dollars for the cost of doing this additional step could and should be paid up front by the prospective buyer. Some current renters have money saved and can afford to swing this. To be avoided is endless construction in the community as it would be disruptive to the bison and everything else.
The 200 square foot structures could be poured in a variety of different shapes, such as rectangular, square, 5, 6, 7 or 8 sided, or round, all with a 17 foot tall concrete ceiling, people moving into one of these buildings would be adding an interior floor or floors somewhere within. Allow the mortgage holder to install the interior wood floors before paying off the 12 or 24 month mortgages, perhaps pour the concrete home in such a way to make it easier to install an interior wooden floor at about the 8 foot height, so that one may turn their 17 foot tall concrete structure into having two interior floors, each with about an 8 foot tall ceiling. With the addition of 2x10 joists and some plywood, the mortgage holder’s 200 square foot concrete home would then have 400 square feet of floor space. Or I imagine small people who stand around the 5 foot mark can divide their 17-foot-tall concrete structures into three floors and end up with 600 square feet of floor space. Being concrete and of such a small footprint, the structures would be easy to heat.
Instead of upgrading the interior of your 17 foot tall 200 square foot home with oak, ebony, cherry, walnut, marble, granite, jade, or lapis lazuli, pay off the mortgage in 12 months, return the investment to the original investors who made this low cost housing and bison park possible. Only after the mortgage on the property and concrete house is paid for, then allow people to pour additional concrete to create their second or even third floors on the top of their 17 foot tall structures. Or build these additional higher floors out of lumber. Pour the concrete in such a way to provide an easy way for future expansion of that 200 square foot 17-foot-tall house.
Keep the structures concrete so the investors can easily steam clean the premises and find a new occupant who is willing to pay the mortgage on the property should the existing occupant fail to pay the debt, and so the bison can rub against the homes without causing damage. Keep the windows small and narrow so people and deer cannot break in, and to keep the windows cheap, and to prevent bird strikes, and to retain heat. Provide the homes with heavy steel doors that cannot be easily kicked in.
Make the concrete houses affordable and speed their availability by limiting their size (200 square feet by 17 feet tall), by offering the houses to the new homeowners without interior walls, without flooring, without plumbing, and without electrical. About the only items to include is a heavy steel door that cannot be kicked in, a wood/coal burning stove and chimney, and a few small windows, perhaps windows so narrow that people cannot them use to break into the home. There should also be a strong door located on the roof providing interior access to the rooftop patio or for whatever is constructed up there after the mortgage is paid off.
Those people who have the wealth to purchase the section (or two or three or four adjacent sections) of land and a fence running around the perimeter to confine the bison, could limit the bison ownership to themselves. Those people who are paying mortgages on their tiny concrete homes could be denied the right to own bison and add bison to the herd, and instead only be allowed to bring in one single horse (a mare) and allow it to multiply. There is the issue of paying off the mortgage to the investors before you start competing against these same investors for grazing rights, and there is the issue of bringing in sick animals and spreading disease. I think it would be best if the investors allow the mortgage holders to own and breed horses but then exclude them from competing by adding to the bison herd. This issue would be up to the major investors who made the bison park possible.
Perhaps those who successfully paid off their mortgage should only then be allowed one horse (a mare) and allow it to multiply. Let your horse roam with all the other horses and together they can roam with the bison. I suggest you limit the horse herd to Icelandic ponies as they are hardy, can be safely used on mountain trails, ridden or used as a pack horse, and being smaller have less of an impact upon the environment. The Icelandic ponies would be easily saleable should the herd become too great in numbers. There may be other horses that would be suitable for use on mountain trails but the Icelandic ponies are desirable and should prove to be a profitable venture. Or buy and breed Gypsy horses, they are beautiful, happily pull wagons and are good with children. Have a horse purchasing committee that is versed in what constitutes a good example of the horse breed chosen, and approve or deny the prospective horse for inclusion into the bison and housing reserve. If you are still paying off your mortgage then you have no business purchasing a high quality horse.
Gypsy horses are pretty creatures that are good around children and can be used to pull. Large working horses could be bred as they will be valuable when the fuel runs out. If you are only allowed to bring in one single horse of a specific breed, I suggest you obtain the best quality mare available and wait until you can afford the better quality horse. Perhaps people living in the bison reserve could pool their resources and purchase a rather expensive stallion and allow it to roam free with the high quality mares. People living in the bison reserve could decide upon one single breed of horse and then be strongly encouraged to choose among the finest examples available.
Water and food are limited, excessive numbers of horses could be detrimental to the bison herd. Remove any dogs that are either running free or barking, allow the coyotes, wolves, and bears to roam in their place. Residents can be notified when dangerous animals are lurking. Similarly remove the cats and allow the birds and gophers to thrive. While in this bison reserve / concrete housing development, discharge your firearms only when your lives are in danger, the concern is to provide a peaceful atmosphere for the bison. The bison would prefer to look at and smell people who are not carrying rifles, and since the concrete housing development is located in a bison reserve, folks should do their upmost to please the bison and not appear threatening, consider concealing your rifles when bison are in the vicinity. There could be dangerous packs of dogs, coyotes are an ever-present danger (mainly to children and shorter people), wolves will likely be limited to a lone male and should be considered as dangerous, there could also be cougars and bear. Furthermore moose, deer, beavers and owls are also known to attack people, one would be foolish to walk around the countryside without a firearm.
Limit the homeownership of the project to people who own no other land nor home, and prevent renters as these renters should instead be signing up for their own tiny home, which should result in pride of home ownership rather than in garbage and needles being spread throughout the community. Provide mortgages while making it clear that the buyer is not allowed to rent out the property, nor would they be allowed to operate motorized vehicles within the section (or two or three or four contiguous sections) of land that is fenced off and shared with bison. The residents would also have to sign wavers forfeiting their right to sue should they or a family member be injured or killed by a bison or by any other animal roaming the area. Cluster the majority of the homes close to the outer edges of the communities and space them each by perhaps 50 or 60 feet (hopefully far enough away for the tobacco smoke to dissipate), and is ample space between these clustered-together homes for bison to roam at will. Some people who are more physically fit may chose to occupy a concrete home that is located further away from one of the parking lots and bus stops. I imagine that at first most everybody would be hauling water from a well or from the water truck. Nobody would be allowed to use noisy gasoline, propane nor diesel generators, nor blast music… other residents really don’t want to hear your music, even at very low volume. Similarly people don’t want to see nor hear your windmill, most would prefer to see the birds alive than mangled to death in your windmills. Be mindful that you are living in a nature reserve.
Automated gates will open when the bison and horses are not near, allowing for moose, deer and antelope to enter and leave at will. Keep the small concrete houses at least 300 yards away from any automatic gates so as not to spook these wild animals and drive them away from the entry and exit points. Those who paid off their mortgages and who then purchased a high quality horse should be paying their share for the automatic fence.
Place the concrete houses within 200 or 300 yards from the road surrounding the bison reserve, if the property measures 2 square miles that would provide plenty of area in the middle of the reserve, reserved for the bison and for people to walk upon. Allow people to fence off a 700 square foot area surrounding their house or a 500 square foot area adjacent to their 200 square foot house should they care for a fence, a fenced-off garden, or for a fenced-off front or back yard, but this should be executed in such a way to leave ample room for animals to waltz between the homes (perhaps 50 feet between the fences open for the animals to waltz). If you are using your yard space for a garden, then consider having a fence that allows the sun to shine through, yet it is likely that much of your garden would survive without a fence. Some people will elect to fence off their 700 square feet of yard space with a fence that stands only a foot or two tall, allowing easy access to that space by the assorted animals. Some people may place their fence surrounding their entire 200 square foot concrete home, thereby preventing the bison from rubbing against their houses. Others will make use of their 700 square feet of yard space without using a fence at all, some may choose to mark off their 700 square foot territory with plants instead of a fence. Communities can designate areas for communal fenced-off gardens, so of course those requiring additional garden space can access these additional secured garden spaces, or simply grow your additional gardens in the spaces between the homes where the bison, moose, deer and horses are allowed to roam and hope for the best. Place the parking lots next to the outer edges of the project, fence the parking lots off to prevent the bison, other animals and thieves from having access to these areas.
Rather than wait for these investors to magically appear and assist you with your housing crisis, consider advertising a general meeting where those who are interested in living in such a project get together and put up the money to purchase a section (640 acres) of land or more, a piece of uninterrupted land that measures at least a mile along each side. All the people involved should ideally put up the same amount of money for their small agreed upon sized lots (700 square feet). Some people will use a handful of months to pay for their lots, while others will have their excessive contributions returned to them month by month over the course of a handful of months, and this way buy the land for cash without incurring a mortgage. I suggest that those who want to buy into such a project come to the meeting with a certified cheque for $6,000 CAN as that might permit 500 investors to purchase perhaps two adjacent sections for about 3 millions dollars. Some people would come to the meeting with somewhat less money and will plead for their inclusion and for their ability to make payments, others may come with more money to cover that deficit. Those temporarily covering the deficit could have somewhat larger fenced off yards (perhaps 1000 square feet), and more distance between their fence and their neighbour’s fence (perhaps 100 feet). Buy the property without a mortgage. Have such a meeting on the final day of the month, if you are unsuccessful in raising the funds to buy the available section of land, then meet again at the end of the following month as there may be different land available at a different price and with a different number of partners to share in the bison reserve and housing project. Separate the meetings by a month to give the people a month to try to make up the cash. Stake out the 700 square foot lots in such a way as to maintain room between the fenced-off lots for the bison and horses to roam, but not spread out so far as to sprawl over the entire landscape… perhaps 60 to 100 feet between the fences, with little incursion deep into the section… for the sake of the bison try to keep the yards close to the outer perimeter of the section of land.
People should agree to limit the large animals to bison and horses, totally exclude the presence of sheep, goats, pigs and lamas. If people want to run the sheep, goats, pigs and lamas, direct them to form their own sheep, goats, pigs and lamas cooperative. If people want houses built out of wood that would be easily damaged by bison rubbing against them, then direct them to form their own wooden building cooperative. If people want to blast music and drive around the section of land in motorized vehicles, then direct them to start their own blast music and drive around the section of land in motorized vehicles cooperative.
There are estimates of 82% of the North American population taking the “covid” jabs, those who took one, two or three jabs will likely be dead in one, two or three years. Town, city, provincial, state and federal governments will be receiving fewer taxes as the economy collapses, will face greater hurdles to help the homeless. The world will soon wake up to the worthlessness of paper money, creating both opportunities and havoc, it would be helpful to provide homeless people with a small concrete home in designated areas. Some communities may choose to provide the homeless with a tent, sleeping bag, a gold pan and a bus ticket and ship them off to Northern British Columbia, Yukon or Alaska, depending upon their nationality. Some communities could be a little more compassionate than other communities, they could not only help provide these small concrete homes for the homeless, they could also provide space for people living in their area to learn new skills and build projects…
The program I envision and outline below is opposite to that of communism, it allows for people to freely innovate and freely travel with their homebuilt creations. The civic, state, provincial and federal governments should all be allowing people to “freely” innovate and build and fly their own aviation creations with no legal hurdles. The issue is about choices, people should be allowed to make choices for themselves and be free to travel in the mode they choose. The program can be established in any city, province, state or country, all that is required are groups of people who desire to build up rather than to tear down, all that is required are groups of people who desire to live free without forcing others to live by their rules.
In Saskatoon the land south of 19th Street West between Avenues B and C and the freeway, and also land south of 20th Street between Avenue A and Third Avenue should be utilized for city residents to develop metal working skills and build small projects, with the immediate goal of becoming skilled enough with TIG welding and aluminum fabrication so that they may build their own small aluminum landing craft, small speed boat or paddle-wheeler, road vehicle, or some sort of airplane. This is land closest to the poorest of the poor, the site is ideal for giving hope to people that have given up hope. The location has river access for launching their finished boats, and a slipway (ramp) can be built in order to launch planes over the South Saskatchewan River, and the building would be large enough to place a runway on the roof so that planes may take off, again to the south-west and over the South Saskatchewan River. I envision a large building downtown that stretches for several blocks and stands approximately ten stories high, the freeway passes through the center of the building, with a slipway heading about 210 degrees to the South-South West so that aircraft can launch off a ramp and over the river.
The higher quality TIG welders that have pulse capability smoke less than most every other welding technology, these welders, grinders, and other equipment that produces smoke, should all be used in conjunction with smoke extractors as the smoke generated from grinders is as harmful as the smoke generated from the welders. These pulse TIG welders utilize very small amounts of power when used to weld thinner materials, lowering the overall costs of the program and lowering the cost to the participants as they learn how to use the equipment.
Those who participate should be provided with secure lockers so they may store their own personal welding supplies and small projects, such as their own tungsten anodes, filler wire, cutting and grinding wheels, masks, gloves and other welding supplies. As devices used for sharpening tungsten anodes are easily contaminated, they should obtain their own anode sharpening devices. The tungsten anodes are held by TIG torches that can be contaminated and broken, people should purchase a TIG torch that feels comfortable and fits their hands and needs. As breathing masks get coated with germs and become moldy, participants should obtain and care for their own should they have desire for one, and they should consider building themselves powered air respirators. Participants should pay daily for the electricity and argon gas they consume, and of course will be required to pay for any metal they require for their chosen projects. People using the donated or borrowed band saw or table saw should put money up front for replacement blades. People should buy their own drill bits and learn how to sharpen them. People running used lumber through planers are risking the destruction of the blades, everybody using the planer should put money up front towards the purchase of new blades.
After the students demonstrate proficiency with AC pulse TIG aluminum welding (by completing small projects such as a fuel tank for their car, truck, bicycle or motorcycle, landing craft or airplane), then they would be eligible for a secure space were they may over time assemble their own small aluminum boat, airplane or all terrain vehicle, or one of the other projects. There should be no MIG or other welders in the facility in order to force the students to become proficient with the TIG welders, which smoke less than the other welders, and because there is demand for skilled TIG welders. At the beginning people would require very small storage lockers, they would trade up to larger lockers as their projects develop.
There should be no woodworking, gluing nor painting conducted in the large downtown facility as efforts must be made to maintain air quality and reduce explosion hazards. Some glues that are more environmentally friendly would be approved for use in the metal working facilities, most gluing would take place in the main woodworking facilities which would be located away from this proposed large downtown projects facility, it is due to both space and safety reasons.
Our woodworking facility can spread over 160 acres of land on the western outskirts of Saskatoon (within 10 miles from Saskatoon, north, south or west of Saskatoon), and if that isn’t enough, then the City of Saskatoon, or the “Aviation Department” would purchase the adjacent quarter section of land. Here people would be encouraged to construct wooden airplanes for themselves. We should be encouraging people to build wooden airplanes for themselves, and we should be putting the majority of our resources into constructing the buildings where these wooden airplanes are to be manufactured. Largely in order to foster innovation, we should allow people to build all sorts of other wooden projects such as boats, rafts or even trailers and containers, projects that are primarily or partially wooden. People building wooden boats and rafts can build them outside, maybe build a roof to help protect your project.
What the City of Saskatoon is paying for the new library downtown far exceeds the cost of the quarter section of land with some garages that contain some donated tools to get us started. And because money can be created out of thin air and used to fund infrastructure projects (see The Grip of Death: A Study of Modern Money, Debt Slavery, and Destructive Economics by Michael Rowbotham), there is really no reason why the citizens of Saskatoon cannot have a woodworking facility focused upon the construction of wooden aircraft.
Many will choose to build their airplanes out of wood as the cost of the meager amount of wood required for a small airplane is negligible, but they would still require some TIG welded parts which they would construct at the downtown facility. Between the downtown metal working shops and the western (or northern or southern) rural wooden works live many people who would benefit from both facilities.
The Aviation Department should have priority over and total oversight of the Boat Building Department and should assume responsibility to maintain security of all people’s projects, and not allow unauthorized access as that would jeopardize the integrity of the projects. The Aviation Department requires people who are skilled in TIG welding and will not waste resources on purchasing nor on training people to operate MIG welders. The MIG welders would be certain to lessen the build time of the boats, but the issue is not to reduce build time of the boats but to teach people to become better TIG welders so they may attempt to build airplanes. Don’t turn people away when they arrive to the facility, provide the person with a chair in a classroom and show them instructional videos rather than application forms questioning their eligibility to participate. I envision a multistory building that would perhaps be the largest building in the province, and if the facility is not large enough to allow people secure space for building their metal boats and metal airplanes then additional facilities would be made available. There would be coffee shops, and ample walkways that would allow visitors to view the projects from behind glass, perhaps we can integrate pedestrian viewing tubes into the facility similar to the tube conveyors at Charles De Gaulle Airport in Paris. Similar spectator platforms and coffee shops would be built into the wooden airplane facility west of the city. We can use assorted city facilities to teach people to pilot both boats and planes. Allowing people to innovate and create will likely reduce drug use, violence, suicide and sodomy, and save tax money over the long term.
The city should anticipate future provincial and federal governments that will encourage innovation and allow people to fly aircraft of their own designs and with minimal or no red tape and interference. Present laws prohibit the homebuilt aircraft from carrying adequate amounts of fuel and prevent the use of multiple engines, both of which adds great measures of safety. Laws prevent people from experimenting with variable swept wing designs, which also increase safety by reducing stall speeds when required. The city should make land available on the eastern and south-western outskirts for landing and parking these homebuilt creations. The city should not wait for future provincial and federal governments to encourage innovation and consider providing space and encouragement for unemployed and underemployed city residents to build their own aircraft now. People should start building their aviation creations now, knowing that future provincial governments will not hamper their ability to innovate, create and fly their own creations but will encourage and help enable them instead. It is a combination of 1) government restrictions, 2) government red-tape and 3) high insurance costs that hamper and even curtail people from innovating, building and flying their own aviation creations, the city of Saskatoon requires new provincial and federal governments to assist us to overcome these hurdles, but we should do our best without their immediate assistance.
The large building I envision to be used for the construction of aircraft should provide space for people to build aircraft of proven designs, and also provide space for people to freely innovate and build an aircraft (or other boats or vehicles) of their own design, but the latter space may be limited due to the construction of the proven designs taking up the space in the facility. It has been done elsewhere and can be done here: groups of people build copies of the same aircraft of a proven design, when the airplanes are completed then the builders draw lots for them. Or these planes may be “completed” without the engines and avionics, after distributing the aircraft (via drawing lots), then the new owner will have the option of which engine and avionics to install into his or her plane. We should be allowing groups of people to manufacture multiple copies of the same plane(s) of proven designs in the city facilities, and we should also seek to provide additional space for individuals to use who are building something unique and innovative. You can participate in a program where you draw lots for an aircraft and yet still be able to innovate by customizing your aircraft with anything from alternative wing and tail designs, extra fuel tanks or by adding electric motors, storage cupboards, or a bed, for example. I suggest that when building your first airplane it is best to follow a proven plan, demonstrate that you can accomplish such a project and then after that is accomplished be first in line to build an airplane of your own design. Those people drawing lots for their airplanes can receive the aircraft complete with wings, and then be free to innovate and change their wings to whatever later. There is a great multitude of airfoil designs that can be chosen for the wings and tails, we could have a program in place where the builders draw lots for the more or less completed fuselages and then the new owners attach the wings they chose to build for themselves… the wings can vary by length, by airfoil, by other attributes. Or you could have a program in place where the Aviation Department allows 100 people to co-operatively build 100 identical STOL wings for example, and then the people draw lots for these STOL wings, and then let the 100 new owners do whatever they want with those wings. It is nice to have choices in life, and the Aviation Department should strive to provide choices for people who are co-operatively working together in one way or another. The Aviation Department may find itself in a situation where the majority of the people wishing to participate all want to build copies of a small paddle-wheeler boat (not an airplane at all), and would have to make facilities available for that project in order the please that majority and help enable that majority to complete their projects. Those people making small paddle-wheeler boats would construct the wooden components in the rural woodworking shop west of the city, and manufacture the metal components at the downtown riverside facility (south of 20th Street stretching from perhaps Third Avenue to Avenue C in Saskatoon, possibly including Idylwyld to Avenue C or D all the way north to 22nd Street).
There may be groups of people who desire and choose to build copies of triplanes, or biplanes, or short takeoff and landing (STOL) bush planes, or high-flying powered gliders that have retractable landing gear, retractable propellers and perhaps small retractable jet engines, or very stable and fast planes that have forward swept wing designs, or helicopters, or gyrocopters, or low-flying ground effect planes. Governments worked hard to prevent innovation and the construction of aircraft in Canada, many aircraft the Canadian government did manage to help build (with taxpayer money) were destroyed, sold below cost or outright given away to Islamists in foreign nations. We should reverse that and work hard to encourage the development of the aviation industry, starting with an aviation industry dedicated to helping impoverished to fly their own airplanes in Canada. We should be making planes that give us access to the northern lakes. We should be building fuel efficient “powered” gliders capable of traveling high up in the jet stream. We could be building biplanes or triplanes and use them for paintball dogfights, spectator admission fees could amount to substantial sums. We should pay attention to the Australian Jabiru program as it allows flexibility in choosing cabin sizes and provides engine and wing options for the builders (see Kitplanes February 2007). Furthermore Jabiru manufactures aluminum engine blocks then completes these new engines with cheap mass produced parts originally designed for automobile engines, Saskatoon’s aviators can accomplish similar.
I don’t see people building replica WWII fighter planes that are powered by 2,000+ horsepower V-12 engines and burn massive amounts of fuel, but instead scaled-down planes that utilize smaller engines that consume far less fuel. Using modern carbon-fiber composites, old designs may be resurrected and made stronger, lighter, more fuel efficient and safer. Some designs are far easier to build than others, back in the day Russian children easily built Yaks out of plywood and similar composites, there is absolutely no reason why children in Saskatoon can’t build improved and somewhat scaled-down or even full-sized Yaks using a combination of aluminum and the newer improved materials in addition to some plywood. We would not be permitting replica Messerschmitt Bf-109’s to be built in the city-owned facilities as the narrow stance of landing gear is a design flaw that killed many pilots. And I’m not sure why anybody in their right mind would want a replica German Focke-Wulf 190, or a replica British Spitfire, or a replica American P-51 Mustang, or a replica America P-47 Thunderbolt, or a replica American P-38 Lightning, or a replica of some stupid Japanese fighter plane when they could easily build and own their own replica of a Russian Yak, likely racism against Slavic people plays a role in their decision making processes. As mayor of Saskatoon I will battle against all forms of racism and sexism. I’m not really running for mayor, the thought was that if I purport to be running for mayor then this book could be viewed as election literature and would be harder to censor.
I can’t sing enough praises for Yaks, and getting the Russian children to build Yaks was perhaps the best move Stalin ever made. Yaks outperformed both the Messerschmitt Bf 109’s and Focke-Wulf 190’s and ended German air supremacy over Russia. Stalin gave the Russian children new hopes and dreams when he got them to build the Yaks, and the Yaks these children built saved Russia from utter ruin. The Russian children were wise to not question Stalin and did what he told them to do, many grew up and became alcoholics. Saskatoon should open doors for people of all ages to learn, to innovate and build, in the hopes that they do not become adult alcoholics like the Russian kids. Composite planes such as Yaks should be manufactured in separate buildings to reduce air quality issues in the main TIG welding building, as working with composites can become an awful mess. Stalin had the kids build Yaks out of composites in part due to the shortage of aluminum, today we can use more aluminum in the construction of the planes together with stronger, lighter and less toxic composites. Americans developed a composite wooden airplane in the late 1930’s thinking that there would be a future shortage of aluminum, which never occurred. I’m sure if Stalin were alive today he would still be building up his air-force. Funny that neither Hitler nor Stalin wanted long-range heavy bombers during WW2 (Stalin wanted Americans to provide him with the heavy bombers he failed to make). Hitler put heavy resources into developing a heavy dive bomber that never worked (you can’t combine heavy with a dive bomber), into developing rockets and jets that barely assisted in his war effort, and into making a variable pitch four-blade propeller, but even if he did not waste resources on these four failed ventures, Stalin had an abundant pool of people and resources in the east that daily constructed an airforce that helped to crush Hitler. Stalin had smaller rockets that he used effectively against Hitler and did not pour resources into developing V2 style rockets during the World War. Stalin eventually invested into the larger rockets but only after he took Berlin. I would have liked to have told both Hitler and Stalin the errors of their ways but nobody listens to me anyway. Suffice to say, Stalin liked his air force and developed composite planes, like the Yak. Squeak squeak.
Resins should be chosen that give off fumes that are not so deadly… some resins are optimized for clarity, some for their ability to withstand heat, some optimized so they flex, others optimized to not vent extremely toxic fumes. The composite planes, such as the Yaks, have better performance due to their better streamlining. Some people will happily deal with the stink and the mess of working with the composites in order to benefit by ending up with a plane that has superior performance, such as the Yak. Instead of somebody like Stalin forcing the kids to work with composites, the kids in Saskatoon are more likely to willingly embrace the venture if given an opportunity. Some people would build their composite planes out of plywood (a composite) without using resins, or have some limited fiberglass or carbon fiber parts integrated into their primarily plywood creations. I’m sure that Stalin’s aviation engineers and the children building these airplanes were highly motivated.
Airplanes and boats require engines and people will be given space to rebuild engines, start by TIG welding a stand that holds your engine (and loose parts) off the ground so you may roll the engine out of the secure storage locker and work on it in the appropriate room given the task at hand. Give each engine a secure storage space so the owner may keep his or her engine secure when they are not present to work on it. Airplanes require slower revving engines than the typical car engine, done to prevent propeller tips from going supersonic. Motorcycle engines may be adapted for use in both boats and airplanes. Rebuilding engines can be costly, numerous people may be starting rebuilds that they are not going to complete in a timely fashion and so will likely require the engine storage lockers for years. Some people may start rebuilds and then discover their engine block is damaged and unusable. People will have to TIG weld new intake and exhaust manifolds and modify their engines in additional ways should they desire to adapt them for aviation. An automobile V8 can be used without a weighty and undesirable Propeller Speed Reduction Unit bolted onto it by maximizing the stroke of the engine while reducing the valve size and while using an appropriate camshaft (see YouTube Video “Homebuilt Airplane Episode 3: Engine Planning”). I wonder if a heavy spacer could be placed at the bottom of the V-6 or V-8 engine block and the crankshaft relocated an inch or so lower, in order to increase the length of the stroke of the engine in an effort to reduce the speed of the engine. Perhaps Jesus would tell us in the afterlife of some of the things we could have done during our lives.
Allow people to rebuild engines that are not suitable for airplanes as the engine could always be used in a boat, and besides they will learn skills that may later be applied to aviation engines. It isn’t up to the city to provide people with parts so they may fix their engines, but the city should provide secure space and encouragement. Many in-line water-cooled 4 or 6-cylinder car engines could prove to be adaptable for either single-engine or multi-engine homebuilt planes. Small block Chevy V8 engine blocks and heads are available in aluminum, cast iron Pontiac V-8 engines (starting in 1955) are lighter than most other cast iron engines. The V-6 engines tend to be lighter than V-8 engines and may be available in aluminum. The trick seems to be to modify the valve timing and minimize the valve size, and perhaps maximize the stroke, in order to slow down the engine adequately so that it can drive a propeller without the use of a Propeller Speed Reduction Unit. Saskatoon’s new Aviation Department would know all about it and would be able to help guide the builders with their choice of engine and parts. There are no reasons why we can’t be manufacturing small radial or small horizontally opposed or even small jet engines for ourselves. Some people will want some space to rebuild an old one-cylinder motorcycle engine, others may want a space so they may build an engine of their own design, hopefully the city could provide the space and people can unite and purchase the machining tools they require.
People working together can accomplish much, we should endeavor to get people to work together to accomplish new transportation goals. My thought was to provide an environment conducive to allowing people to innovate, and an environment that allows those who do not invent and who do not innovate to contribute to the construction of proven aviation and other transportation designs.
There are “kit” planes and there are “plans built” planes. We can quickly begin production of planes if we can decide upon one or more of the existing proven designs of the “plans built” planes. Some builders may chose to go the kit plane route and have many components trucked to the Aviation Department’s facilities, and other builders can see how these aircraft are engineered and witness their assembly. The citizens of Saskatoon could get together and start building planes without having support of the mayor nor the city councilors nor of any other people holding political office whether provincially or federally. Groups of people getting together and co-operatively building planes is a realistic goal, and we should work towards the change of laws to allow for greater freedom to fly our creations. Even if the builders choose to not build the plane co-operatively but instead each build their own airplanes, others will benefit by being able to see the steps required in the construction of that particular model of aircraft. And so both “ plans built” planes and “kit planes” may be constructed at the Aviation Department’s facilities, either by individuals or by co-operative groups of individuals, and yet other people will build aircraft of their own designs, either individually or co-operatively, and every aspect of this may be witnessed by the other builders, and usually through windows in hallways and walkways, windows located at coffee shops and windows at the many places for people to sit and observe the projects. Due to the nature of the projects, sometime builders would retrieve a portion of their project from a secure storage locker and resume work upon it in the metal working and welding facility, or in the wood working facility or in the composite and resins facility, some people would graduate to having their own narrow workshop that is large enough for their fuselage and/or wings, in all circumstances the public would be able to watch the progress from behind glass. There should be little need to provide separate facilities for the vaccinated and the unvaccinated, as the vaccinated are dropping like flies, the injection has damaged their heart muscles and they no longer have the energy to build an aircraft or some kind of other vehicle, and in many cases no longer have the energy to go look at somebody’s project. Or perhaps the “vaccinated” like to take extreme risks and would be more apt to build and fly helicopters.
People may build their planes individually or may build them as a group, or a combination of these options. For example, 100 airframes can be constructed as a group effort by 100 people, and then chosen by lot. Once you have your own airframe then complete it yourself with your own choice of engine, avionics and landing gear… less costly options can be chosen to complete your plane. If you are not flying at night then you don’t require to purchase and install them blinkin’ lights. If you only desire to land on snow or water then you don’t require wheels. Consider manufacturing a seat that fits your personal physique.
Build Option One - TIG weld a Boat: Build a boat rather than an aircraft as your first major project as it will likely be easier for most people to complete, but build with the use of TIG welders so you may be more confident should you choose to build an airplane at a later date. Builders will be encouraged to manufacture one of perhaps a dozen different boat designs, including a small landing craft that includes a small heated cabin and is capable of transporting either a Mini-Truck-Sized Vehicle, a seadoo, skidoo or an ATV. Also TIG weld a raft to pull behind your boat. If you are navigating a long distance you would need to pull a raft loaded with fuel and other supplies. Builders would be allowed to store their finished boats and rafts in a secure facility, and the city might consider having a program to assist the new boat owner to transport him or herself, together with the boat, to and from a northern lake. Build the boats so they may transport one or more of the vehicles being constructed in Build Options 8, 9 and 10.
Build Option Two - TIG weld an Aircraft: TIG weld and machine a combination of aluminum, stainless steel and/or titanium parts for your planes, after the smaller parts are manufactured then the builder will be provided space to construct the larger TIG welded air frame. If the builder desires a titanium airframe, then the builder will be improving their titanium welding skills by making a few small titanium parts for their plane, such as a titanium oil reservoir. Consider building a powerful, strong and light weight STOL (Short Take Off and Landing) airplane or a scaled-down Consolidated Catalina, or some other aircraft that is a suitable design to be built using a TIG welder.
Build Option Three - Composite Aircraft Option: Composite planes may be built primarily out of wood, fiberglass and/or carbon fiber, perhaps using the same construction techniques used to manufacture the de Havilland Mosquito. The Mosquito’s fuselage was built in two separate halves, a left side and a right side, and then united. Some TIG welded parts will still be required. See “Mosquito Construction” by the Calgary Mosquito Society on YouTube, and “Mosquito: A Pictorial History of the DH98” by Philip Birtles.
Build Option Four - TIG weld a Trailer: TIG weld a trailer for hauling your vehicle. As with the other projects, trailers will be constructed by first building the smaller components and storing them in secure lockers before granting room to construct the complete project in a secure building booth. In lieu of a trailer, participants may instead choose to TIG weld a deck for the back of their truck that lifts and lowers their boat, plane or other vehicle into place. This option is not for people to build camping trailers, but to build flatdeck trailers or specialized trailers for hauling boats, planes, small trucks and ATV’s. Consider building a drop-deck trailer.
Build Option Five - Rebuild an Internal Combustion Engine: Rebuild any internal combustion engine. Blueprint, balance and assemble matching pairs of engines for use in your twin-engine boat or plane. TIG weld a few manifolds for your engines. Likely some machining will be conducted off-site due to lack of required machining tools. The city should be providing secure space for the projects, it is up to the builders to provide both materials and tools.
Build Option Six - TIG weld Containers: Fabricate aluminum, stainless or titanium gasoline tanks, diesel fuel tanks, water tanks, alcohol or oil tanks that fit your particular truck, car, boat, raft, aircraft, ATV, motorcycle, bicycle or trailer. Fabricate a tank for compressed air that fits a selected spot on your vehicle such as inside the C-Channel frame of your vehicle. Make yourself a titanium whiskey flask. Make secure tanks to haul your drinking water, hydrogen peroxide, alcohol, first aid supplies, dish soap, bleach, oatmeal, string, wire, tape, dried fruit, grain, nuts, clothes and such, bring these items in bulk quantities if you are headed into Siberia.
Build Option Seven - Tracks and Skis: Manufacture tracks for the front and rear of your four-wheel drive vehicle. Or manufacture tracks for the rear of your rear-wheel drive vehicle and manufacture skis for the front wheels. Or manufacture electrically powered front tracks for your rear-wheel drive vehicle, effectively turning it into a four-wheel drive vehicle.
Build Option Eight - Small Trucks: The Japanese made small and light 4-wheel drive Suzuki trucks that are suitable for adding four light weight tracks, these light weight vehicles appear to be able to drive over any depth of snow. Manufacture a vehicle similar to these Japanese vehicles, but with the same outer dimension (same width and perhaps height), so we may easily transport both the Japanese trucks and our own creations at the same time and then land them some distant port with fewer logistical issues. Having vehicles that share many parts would be a great bonus to the builders should they use their similar vehicles in a convoy for either a visit or for emigration to some distant land. Manufacture replacement parts for those mini trucks and for your tracks. Take advantage of other build options and customize your mini-truck with canisters and containers and modify the body to aid functionality (Build Option Six), add tracks (Build Option Seven), or even rebuild the engine (Build Option Five).
Build Option Nine - Amphibious ATV-4: Build an “Amphibious” All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) similar to the Russian Sherp, this is a four-wheeled vehicle. Build these vehicles so they share most if not all their mechanical parts, arrange it so the convoy can easily maintain the vehicles while on the road. The larger Russian Sherp is large enough to transport a dozen people, a vehicle such as this might be large enough to transport your worldly goods should you choose to emigrate or flee to the mountains. Perhaps there would be enough interest that we could build this amphibious vehicle in three different sizes, people could choose which version to build. Then of course customize your vehicle with canisters from Build Option Six. Work on your engine in Build Option Five.
Build Option Ten - Amphibious ATV-6: Build an “Amphibious” ATV that has 6 drive wheels, with the center pair of wheels located precisely between the front and rear wheels. Build the vehicle so that it “tracks” the same as the 4-wheel-drive Sherp-like vehicle from Build Option Nine, and consider building it to work independently or as an attached trailer that helps to propel the Sherp-like vehicle from that previous build option. Different vehicles from Build Options Eight, Nine and Ten can be made to attach to one another and form a train that can travel over the swamps, tundra and mountain passes.
Build Option Eleven - Frame Stretch: Stretch the frame of your car or truck, possibly even adding a tag axel, results in superior braking, stability and greater load capacity. Or stretch the frame and then add an electrically, hydraulically or mechanically driven second rear end… if you can afford to purchase the parts, the machining and the welding supplies, then you may build it. Once you stretch the frame of your vehicle you will find room for propane tanks, custom built canisters, spare tires and such.
Build Option Twelve - Two-wheel-drive motorcycle: Build a two-wheel drive motorcycle from scratch or add an electric front-wheel drive to an existing rear-wheel drive motorcycle. Power the vehicle with either a 4-stroke internal combustion engine or with electric motors, or a combination of different motors.
Build Option Thirteen - Bicycles and Quadricycles: Construct carbon fiber, stainless steel or aluminum bicycles or quadricycles from scratch and then add the electric motors if desired. See how easy it is to TIG weld yourself some sort of peddle “bicycle” and soon you will want to TIG weld a frame for flight. Become good enough with your TIG welds and donate some of your time to the Aviation Department.
Build Option Fourteen - Go Camping: Build a tiny light weight titanium portable stove, perhaps a 2 or 3 pound wood-burning stove that collapses and fits into your back-pack with which you may heat your tent, should you go hiking or lose your home. Or build a somewhat larger but still relatively light-weight titanium stove (and stove pipe) suitable to heat larger tents and enclosures. Make a diesel heater to heat the interior of your vehicle or trailer, it vents the dangerous gasses to the outside and keeps your windows fog free. Make small alcohol burning stoves. Convert your truck or van so that it is suitable to use for camping, add shelves, closets, toilets, sinks. Make a water tank that is custom fitted to your car, truck or van. Make an electrical fence to keep bears and other predators out of your camping area.
Build Option Fifteen - Dirigible or Blimp: TIG weld a small dirigible or powered blimp capable to lifting you, your engine, fuel or batteries and a few supplies. Expect to labor on the fabric in a separate facility to reduce risks to others. Fabricate your metal parts in the metal working shops.
Build Option Sixteen - Helicopter: TIG Weld a One-Seater Helicopter. Good luck.
Build Option Seventeen - Gyrocopter: TIG Weld a Gyrocopter. Gyrocopters are far safer and easier to fly than a helicopter. Build it to accommodate just yourself or passengers as well.
Build Option Eighteen - WWI Fighter: Build a light-weight bi-plane or a light-weight tri-plane that resembles WW1 fighters, all the airplanes are to meet strict weight, power and speed requirements, all are to be equipped with paint ball guns and are used for aerial dog fighting competitions. The members could rent or purchase a section (640 acres) of farm land to periodically hold their events. These airplanes will have very slow stall speed and can also be used to hunt wild boar. As the wild boar population in Saskatchewan balloons, these aircraft, when properly equipped, would be most helpful in combating the spread of the pigs. The wild boar attack and eat people, grow to in excess of 1,000 pounds, insanity is to allow their numbers to continue to escalate while reducing people’s access to firearms while impoverishing them and reducing their mobility.
Build Option Nineteen - BD-4: Build a variation of a BD-4 airplane. These are plans-built planes that are well designed, fast, easy to build, and do not require welding. Build the BD-4 as a two-seater, or build a variation of the plane that seats four. People can snap these airplanes together in very little time, especially when working as a group. Customize your BD-4 with carbon fiber and titanium parts, fancy landing gear, clear doors, small jet or rocket engines and such. You have options, you can still use a TIG welder to build some of the components for your airplane.
Build Option Twenty - Horse-Drawn Wagons: Join with others to make a stage-coach line, or build your own wooden wagon, perhaps a gypsy wagon, covered wagon, chuck wagon or sheep-herder’s wagon. Make your own wooden wheels or make your wheels out of metal or carbon fiber. The city should provide space for such projects, space for piles of wood that are being cured, dry space to park the completed wagons, and suitable space for the teams of horses that visit the city from the rural areas. Save weight in your wooden wagons by using aluminum or carbon fiber where you desire. I’d like to see Yorath Island developed to accommodate horses (and completed wagons) visiting our city. It is not for construction of wagons but there should be a blacksmith shop present. Those cowboys and Indians who have or hope to have horses should build a bridge, a corral, a camp and a fort. Yorath Island could then be used for an old western movie set. The bridge needs to be made out of logs in order to be useful for the old western movies. If you can’t build a bridge, then ford the river, it is shallow enough for the horses to cross. Some will use their horse-drawn wagons to transport people to and from the rural gardens, some will use their wagons to haul meat and vegetables back to Yorath Island, where the meat and vegetables would be sold at a market there. Some people would use Yorath Island to make movies about Russian Tsars, or Russian peasants, or Russian Jews, or Russian Jews battling Russian Tsars and Russian peasants, or European knights battling Moslems or Vikings or space aliens or some damn thing like that. Others would go to Yorath Island for a family picnic and bird watching. The island should be developed in a manner that the poor could be included, I suggest we do so in this manner.
Build Option Twenty-One - Fabrics, Leather and Veneers: Make yourself pants that actually fit: Become proficient in making pants that fit yourself and fit your family members. Make fire resistant pants for the people building aircraft or other projects. Find poorly dressed psychiatric abuse victims and make them pants that fit as well. Become proficient in working with cloth, leather and wood veneers (required for all the aircraft, boats, mini-trucks, ATVs, dirigibles, blimps, trailers, helicopters and horse-drawn wagons). Make a tent that can accommodate a wood-burning stove. All space provided will be conducted away from the major build options in order to reduce fire and other hazards.
Build Option Twenty-Two - Go Mining: Tig weld a water pump, construct it out of a combination of titanium and steel, attach it to a 24-volt motor, build another and attach it to an internal combustion engine. Build another as a backup. Build another with somewhat greater or lesser capacity, use 4-cycle engines from broken down lawn mowers to run your water pumps and to charge your batteries for your electrical water pumps. Turn every broken down lawnmower you can find into a water pump or for another mining use. Build a small wash plant that includes a conveyor belt, trommel and sluice. Build wind and water turbines to run that water pump, maybe have the electrical capacity capable of powering the conveyor belt and trommel as well. Everything fits into a vehicle (and/or trailer) the size of a Japanese mini-truck, or onto a small trailer capable of being pulled by such a vehicle. Or eschew the Japanese mini-trucks and small trailers and use instead full sized trucks (half tons and one tons or larger) and larger trailers. Also build a shaker table and a centrifuge and try to find space for them on your truck or trailer. Build a water purification plant to supply drinking water for yourself, and build a water filtration system to provide clean water for your trommel, sluice and other mining equipment. Build shaking screens or spinning trommels to classify material by size, then batch process like-sized materials down your sluice or centrifuge. Build conveyor belts to send material to and through your gold and mineral processing plant, make them light and small enough so they may be transported upon your mobile wash plant (truck or van pulling a trailer). Put together a 24-volt off-grid electrical system for your truck or trailer, and build it in such a way that people may temporarily pair up and combine their 24-volt electrical systems into 48-volt systems and thereby supply power in greater amounts and to greater distances. Some areas that permit mining require that your pump and hoses are a maximum of one and one-half inches in diameter, equip your mining van or truck and trailer to have a sluice that will function with such a small water pump, and make wider sluices for your larger sized water pumps and hoses that can be legally used where applicable and when you have ample material to warrant using the larger sluices. Build shaking screens to separate gold from gravel without the use of water. Consider having two different sized belt conveyors, the small one to run with the smaller sluices and with the other smaller mining equipment. Make it easy to attach a chain to the front or back of your vehicle. Build a propelled tracked drill, or build the drill and attach it to your metal-tracked bulldozer, or just build the drill, and go drill some sampling holes into the Canadian Shield. Build another belt conveyor so you may transport your ore to greater distances, build a bucket conveyor. Many of the mining projects people choose to make could require both extensive room and extensive welding, it would be best to obtain land specifically for these mining related projects, outside of the city. People interested in gold mining could meet in the meeting rooms at the TIG welding facility in downtown Saskatoon, where we are building airplanes and perhaps a few boats. Perhaps you can form a partnership with others that you meet there and go mining as a group.
Build Option Twenty-Three - Wooden Car: Build a wooden automobile that can swim or not. Maybe build your wooden car as an amphibian that is equally at home on land as in the water. Use wood joining techniques (wooden biscuits, dovetail joints, Japanese joints…) to manufacture the wooden body. Build the body as a car or as a van or as a truck. Build this “automobile” with light weight retractable wheels, perhaps using bicycle rims. Some bicycle tires inflate to beyond 100 pounds of pressure allowing the vehicle to roll effortlessly on pavement. There is a wide range of propulsion options. You’d be using space and tools belonging to the Aviation Department which prefers you build a light weight wooden vehicle that has retractable wheels, so you can learn skills that can be later directed towards building wooden airplanes, which are in need of retractable wheels. Put your minds together and figure out ways to retract your light-weight wheels and make them strong enough to sustain a runway landing. Make carbon fiber panels or carbon fiber structural parts or metal components for your wooden vehicle in the appropriate buildings. Spruce is a recommended wood for aircraft construction and there are many Spruce trees growing here, and yet more can be grown, I imagine you can build automobiles out of Spruce.
Build Option Twenty-Four - Hovercraft: A hovercraft may go where no ATV, snowmobile, boat nor truck can go, consider building one. Consider joining with others to decide upon a set of plans and then building copies of the same hovercraft.
Build Option Twenty-Five: Build a sports car capable of driving 100 km/hour (or faster) that can deploy its wings in a second (or less), a “car” that is able to launch from a hiway (or from a rougher trail), perhaps a car that can be shot out a tube and then extends its wings after leaving the tube. Cars equipped as such require windsocks placed along hiways.
Build Option Twenty-Six: Wind powered automobiles would make sense if the government provided wider hiways and stations where people and their sail-powered vehicles can reside at while waiting for winds from the appropriate direction. Perhaps in the future your rulers may demand that you eat insects and travel in sail-powered vehicles (if your social score is high enough), and by building your sail car now you will have a jump on the future!!! Corrupted politicians are doing all they can to destroy the economies of western nations, Canada and USA are both preventing the extraction and refining of oil while importing massive quantities of oil from Islamic nations located on the other side of the world. Rather than fighting for the retention of their freedom and the retention of their nations, people are more apt to make sails for the cars and phone the police if they see somebody sneeze without a mask on. Of course all the sail-making will be conducted in a facility that is well separated from the other facilities in order to reduce fire hazards.
Build Option Twenty-Seven: Truck Box. Again using secure lockers and this time lockers that are just large enough to accommodate a Ranger truck box or the box of some favoured half-ton or three-quarter ton or one-ton truck, and perhaps somewhat wider and longer than a truck box as the project may exceed the confines of the box and extend somewhat over the front, sides or at the rear. If you have the truck and want to work on the box inside the building (where you are provided with a secure storage locker), then you would have to remove the box and park the truck elsewhere (to eliminate fire risks and such). Place the truck box on a cart that rolls upon the rails and so it may be moved back and forth between the storage locker and the shop. Some projects will be taller than others and so some people will have storage lockers that are as much as ten feet tall, tall enough so that they could build a small home. Some old truck boxes are 9 feet long. You may also use that truck box to accommodate a wash plant and sluices in the bottom 6 or 8 inches, then utilize the space above for the small house. If the project in the truck box requires welding and machining then it would obtain these modifications before being sent to the woodworking facilities where it would be provided with a new storage locker and run upon the same gauge of rails as it is being moved to the alternative shops where the work will be conducted. Once the truck box project contains wood it would be excluded from returning to the Saskatoon’s Aviation Department’s welding and machine shops. Any manner of projects may be constructed and merged with a truck box. Make a tiny home with a heated granite floor, make your floorboards out of Lapis Lazuli, make a stain glass window. Install a diesel heater or a small wood burning stove. Install an electrical system with lights, fridge and air conditioner. Build drawers and a closet to hang and store your clothes. Some people will later mount their truck box on the back of a truck, some will turn the project into a trailer to be pulled behind a vehicle.
Build Option Twenty-Eight: Build a narrow gauge railway. Select a gauge wide enough so that people may build rail cars of adequate size to function as a small home, the two-foot gauge was popular in the USA and should remain as the most likely narrow gauge to adopt. The two-foot gauge is large enough that the train can be economically viable in transporting people and materials. Build either a small live steam engine that runs on wood, or coal, or preferably oil, or build a small diesel-electric locomotive or a locomotive powered by a gasoline engine. Private passenger cars can be made in a myriad of floor plans, I imagine most would be made to have washrooms with a toilet and shower, the cars could be made with or without kitchens and dining rooms and bedrooms. The private passenger cars on a two-foot gauge would be large enough to have separate rooms for horses or other animals, and room to haul ATV’s, boats and such. Construct some cars containing seats for the paying public. Make some third-class seating that is hard and uncomfortable. Run some tracks around a lake and provide places for people to detach their private cars so they may camp and fish. Maybe use the existing abandoned rail beds around Eagle Creek Provincial Park and offer rides to park visitors. Have the train stop at cooperative gardening spaces to drop off workers and water and to pick up vegetables. Have a meeting and see if people favour the two-foot gauge or a gauge somewhat smaller and start producing rolling stock for the railway. Slowly build a railway for yourselves as opposed to spending many millions of dollars purchasing engines and rail cars built elsewhere and leaving yourselves in never ending debt. Some of the smaller work can be done at the downtown metalworking facility, major work would be conducted outside of the city.
People living in rental accommodations just don’t have room for such projects, nor have they room for the completed projects, and are always at risk of losing any investment they park or store inside or out. And people living under parental control also risk losing their projects at home, either by parents, siblings or others. The city should help provide space so people can learn new skills and use their time creatively and productively, and people would be more likely to utilize the facilities when they have some assurance that their projects are secure. Very young children should be allowed to start building their own aircraft and can be provided with a storage locker for their own wooden aircraft project when under parental supervision, the parents and children can have their own building location.
Store your uncompleted vehicles in secure storage lockers, roll the project out to work on it. Have another secure storage locker nearby for your boat project, yet another storage locker for your aircraft project, in each case you would be surrounded by people building similar projects. You would also have a secure storage locker in the TIG welding facilities for the aircraft parts that you are manufacturing out of metal there. If you are building a fuselage or a wing, that fuselage or wing can be placed on a rolling wall and tucked away securely while taking up very little space. Depending upon the vehicle, fuselage or the wing(s), it may be preferable to mount the projects upon rolling tables, and then tuck these away in the appropriate slots for secure storage. Perhaps with a press of a button your project and tools can roll out on rails.
Some builders, after building some parts for their aircraft, may decide that they want an alternative aircraft - these people should be able to trade the parts they thoughtlessly manufactured for the alternative parts they now require. Choices of which aircraft included in a “trading parts program” as such could be limited to a very small handful of aircraft designs, for example just support three designs: a single-seater STOL, a two-seater STOL, and a four-seater STOL. A “trading parts program” as such would help women who can’t make up their minds. For example Cindy may have initially wanted to build and own a two-seater STOL and started building the required parts, but after three months of hard work she went and changed her mind and announced to all her new intention to build and own a four-seater STOL instead. Cindy would likely flick her hair back, lightly stroke her eyebrow and giggle a little when she made the announcement. By having a “trading parts program” established, some people will feel more confident in beginning a project and can immediately jump into machining and TIG welding some of the required parts for their hastily chosen airplane project. This trading option is possible when considering that some people are building parts for credits to use elsewhere. Some people may build parts for the Aviation Department just to get experience with TIG welding and machining, or to gain in some other reward, and so periodically parts would come available to the builders and likely the builders of each particular airplane would have to draw for the particular parts that were manufactured by people who had no intention of completing the project for themselves. Perhaps the person who machined and welded a part hadn’t yet made up his or her mind which airplane they should own, or wanted experience welding steel, aluminum or titanium parts. Some parts would be poorly welded by those who come to the facility to practice their TIG welding skills, aircraft builders who successfully draw lots to obtain these first and second-class parts and can grind down and then improve upon any poor welds, and so can still successfully use these beginner-welded parts for their projects, I figure.
The Aviation Department could approve a small handful of different designs of aircraft that could participate in a “trading parts program” (three different STOLS, perhaps three different amphibious aircraft as well). Likely Cindy fingered that if she built a four-seater STOL she would end up working closer with Steve (a handsome young feller), who was building one as well. Later Steve would abandon his project in order to get away from Cindy, no doubt. Steve’s work would not be in vain for with this “trading parts program” he can obtain some of the parts he requires for his new project, either a one, two or four-seater amphibious aircraft, or a one or two seater STOL. People who come to the facilities may not desire to build an aircraft, but only desire to improve their welding skills, and they would be making components for these 3 different STOLS and 3 different amphibious aircraft…. An individual may build either a specific one, two and four seater STOL, or build a specific one, two or four-seater amphibious aircraft, and by sticking to these six specific blueprints maybe get some parts from people practicing their welding skills.
The Aviation Department should be in charge of administering the security of Build Options One through Nineteen while the cowboys and girls involved in Build Option Twenty would oversee their facilities separately. The people working with cloth, leather and wood veneers in Build Option Twenty-One would conduct their affairs in separate facilities but will have their facilities operate under the direction of the Aviation Department, which is in vital need of materials made of cloth, leather and wood veneers. The people building mining equipment (Build Option Twenty-Two) are in need of tools and secure storage lockers, and again will be operating under the oversight of the Aviation Department, which is in need of gold so that it can purchase other metals. Many airplanes are built from wood, allowing people to make wooden amphibious cars in Build Option Twenty-Three would build their skill set and may result in them desiring to build an airplane as their following project, and again the Aviation Department would provide the secure facilities.
Anybody building composite planes or composite wings, and people involved in painting and gluing, will conduct their affairs in separate facilities designed to handle the stink and the mess. The senior aviators in Saskatoon’s Aviation Department may eventually develop planes of our own designs and turn those designs into easy-to-build kits (which will generate income). Other communities will desire to partner with Saskatoon’s Aviation Department, some may offer to build parts for our use in trade for parts we manufacture here. Some family members might help out by making pies, jams and such and selling these food items in the Aviation Department’s Food Court and Eating Area and Lounge, located in a portion of the huge building facing the river, next to The Aviation Department’s Dance Hall. The food court would be a popular attraction and the money raised is required to heat the place and purchase materials for the aviation projects, and perhaps cover law suits, or some damn thing like that.
We should be building water taxis, such as gyrocopters with pontoons that seat between 4 to 7 people, or amphibious airplanes that accomplish the same. We should have ground effect taxis travelling just above the rivers or in other designated areas, connecting communities. We should have rocket assisted aircraft designed specifically to travel the nearly identical distance to either Calgary or Edmonton. We should have small detachable rockets designed to assist the launching of planes, and smaller rockets designed to give gliders a little push. We could have sports cars that deploy wings in a second (or less), wings that plop into play (Build Option Twenty-Five).
Check out the DG-808J powered glider constructed by Desert Aerospace, LLC, it can launch itself with a pair of tiny turbine engines (PBS TJ40 engines) and retract these turbines into the fuselage after they cool. Even when the engines are shut down and are remaining exposed, the glider still obtains a 40:1 glide ratio.
Should have a meeting of those people wanting to build their own airplanes, people could present their ideas of which plane for the group to build. If we had 1000 people at the meeting, 703 of them may end up wanting something similar to the DG-808J powered glider with the PBS TJ40 engines, so we would be in need of 1,406 engines for them. But the other 297 people wanting to build alternative airplanes may also want one or more of these same engines to power or help power their aircraft as well. It seems to make sense to me that the Aviation Department builds engines similar to the PBS TJ40 engine.
Ground-effect land-skimming vehicles could periodically be flying perhaps two feet above electrical wires, from which they wirelessly charge and propel themselves. Being quite flat, Saskatchewan makes the ideal testing location for these electrically propelled ground-effect land-skimming, extremely highly efficient aircraft. We could perhaps actively strive to link Saskatoon with both Calgary and Edmonton with corridors for these elevated automobiles. The Canadian prairies are ideally suited for the ground-effect land-skimming vehicles. Some people building these electrically powered land skimming vehicles may opt to include a pair of PBS TJ40 engines so they may leave the confines of the electrical grid.
We should be building a prototype of a composite single seat mono-wing airplane (such as a Yak), as the cost per composite aircraft could, depending upon materials used, be lower than constructing TIG welded airframes. Reduce the cost of the airplanes to make them an achievable goal to work towards. We could reduce the cost of the aircraft by covering concrete, wood, plastic or styrofoam forms with aviation grade spruce plywood. The left side of a composite (plywood) aircraft fuselage can be pulled out of a secure storage locker and be worked upon, using such a system will allow for greater participation and a larger number of aircraft being started. Once completing one side of the airplane fuselage, the builder will be provided with a second storage locker for the other half of his or her airplane, eventually the builder will have the two halves to unite and will be provided with a larger storage locker to secure that fuselage while work on other components is conducted. I imagine Cindy would see some handsome and muscular feller, perhaps Steve, building the right side of his chosen airplane, then Cindy would of course start building the left side of said aircraft, and then actively, or incessantly, seek to unite their projects. Cindy would flick her hair back, lightly stroke her eyebrow and giggle a little when she asked Steve if he wanted to join their sides together, I’m sure. See “Mosquito: A Pictorial History of the DH98” by Philip Birtles.
Check out the video on YouTube called Building an Airplane Out of Wood - You Can Do It! (27 minutes long). It isn’t easy as every piece of wood must be carefully chosen, it is likely far easier to build the airplane out of metal. The time required to obtain wood of superior grain is a non-issue with the construction of metal aircraft. Furthermore wooden airplanes require far superior shelter once constructed as the weather degrades the wood. The video says that many airplanes have metal fuselages and wooden wings.
People should consider buying and using their own cutting blades on the communally used equipment, or at least have spares available for the tools they are using. I imagine a slew of older donated metal working and wood working machines that are kept operational by people investing into their own cutting blades and drill bits and such.
Check out the video on YouTube called The Insane Engineering of The Spitfire (22 minutes long), the elliptical wings contain a great amount of space that can be utilized for fuel and landing gear, although originally provided space for guns and ammo. The wings are built using aluminum tubes that are stacked inside of other aluminum tubes. We can build similar elliptical wings in Saskatoon and attach them to a wide variety of different airplanes, or others may choose to construct airplanes that resemble Spitfires. People opting to build wings that are not elliptical can still make use of this building strategy, but you would be losing out on the extra storage provided by the elliptical wings.
We could be concurrently working upon a prototype of a TIG welded single-seat STOL (short take off and landing) airplane, in part to avoid paying a license fee to use some other person’s plans, in part so that the Aviation Department would receive a license fee if other builders chose to adopt our plans, and mostly so that we learn how to design and build airplanes. We could develop several different one-seater STOL airplanes and evaluate the ease of building, cost of building and performance of each aircraft. We could encourage those builders who wish to innovate and who desire to build their own design of aircraft, to build a one-seater STOL and compete with others in a competition of one-seater STOL’s, and we will see. And another window for innovation is to have a second competition where people are invited to build airplanes that resemble World War One fighter airplanes, they can be monoplanes, biplanes or tri-planes, they should have open cockpits and otherwise closely resemble World War One fighter planes, and people would be invited to paint the planes to match the paint schemes of the planes that flew in WW I so that the film industry can participate in this and make realistic WW I movies. Many of these innovative airplanes the participants invent could be fitted with paint ball machine guns and the builders could then engage in aerial paint ball dogfights. The Aviation Department could generate a sizable income from the general public who would pay to watch the spectacle, the funds could be used for developing engines and such. I encourage people who are building their own planes to build one-seater or better yet two-seater STOLs, not necessarily to carry a second person but to carry additional fuel and supplies.
“I believe that all of those forces within our country are there to distract us and prevent us from removing the prime threat, which is globalist control of our governments. In our effort to restore the American Republic, our first priority must be regaining command and control; routing out the globalist infiltrators and their infrastructure from our land. Once we have accomplished that task and restored American command over our governments, then we can turn our undivided attention to the Mexican invasion and Islam, as well as any other force seeking our destruction.” - Thomas Mick, Restoring the American Republic, March 31 2014
“The plan of action I have proposed removes all oath breakers, starting at the local level, in order to restore our rights and liberty; returning government to the limitations the Constitution imposed on them… This plan doesn’t plead with them to stop their usurpation, nor does it seek to impeach them through the corrupt system they’ve establish that protects them; it simply calls for their removal and replacement with people who understand what the oath is and will perform their duties consistent with it. - Thomas Mick, Restoring the American Republic, April 22 2014
"That's, uh, not what we were talking about. Women's taste in men, rather."