Astronauts that hibernate on long spaceflights maybe in 10 years?
(too old to reply)
Jan Panteltje
2023-03-24 18:13:38 UTC
On a sunny day (Fri, 24 Mar 2023 07:22:22 -0700 (PDT)) it happened Lou
On a sunny day (Fri, 24 Mar 2023 06:06:50 -0700 (PDT)) it happened Lou
n wrote in
Astronauts that hibernate on long spaceflights is not just for sci-fi.=
could test it in 10 years.
By Tereza Pultarova published 3 days ago
"We need to fine tune everything before we can apply it to humans. But=
I =
would say that 10 years is a realistic timeline."
Typical message from Neofascists at the EU. Human lives are expendable=
Well as you turn to politics,...
Boris is a US slave. or puppet if you want. US wants to destroy EU, China=
,. any competition,
so now they started the war in Ukraine by pestering Russia...
I live in the Netherlands, we had elections a week ago, and the ruling pa=
rties (presented
by the current dictator in his 4th term) were wiped out completely by the=
BBB (Farmers People Movement)
as people have had enough from the CO2 climate change crap and we need fa=
rmers for food.
I would be careful about this assumption. Look at who is touting CO2 climat=
e change crap... who? Right wing
Extremists like the BBB. Pretending that all those extra green taxes (that =
right wingers bring in to combat “global warming”)are actua=
lly taxes introduced by lefty liberals!!😂
Let’s face it Jan. Global warming etc may be happening to our envir=
But all those taxes are brought in by right wing extremist governments to g=
ive back to rich farmers and others
as tax cuts. Not by real liberal lefties. We want tax cuts not tax rises.=
Well I think you are confused, and as far as I know UK is doing very poorly these days
health care system collapsing.. no money for electricity... public transport strikes..
You see that here too, strikes, and very big ones in Germany and France too I think.
In France they protest against higher pension ages, well we have those already here.

You can always get a sailboat, live from fish, sail south to Africa and things are even worse there
in some places, wars, no water, no rain, no food ..
Netherlands is number 2 on the world list of best places to live (google).
But it is also very densely populated and we get flooded by fugitives (Ukraine) and from all sorts of countries
so no housing and they cannot build extra housing because the s t u p i d idiots in EU think that building houses makes CO2
and that causes climate change.
The greenish politicians would rather live in tents it seems!
Climate change is caused by earth orbit variations:
but the snake oil sales tune started years ago by Al Gore and his polar bear choir
has brainwashed the new generation....
What we need is to bring as much nuclear power online as we can to power our aircos and heaters and cooking stuff...
But the fear induced in the masses by US made Bomb crap stories during the cold war prohibits that.
Germany takes all nuclear power plants offline if I understand it right (Fuckupshima induced fear used to play the masses?).
We are going to build 2 new ones here...
Or maybe US play as they are afraid Germany has a decent bomb?
I think we should have a couple! And we need a strong EU army and make peace with Russia! Kick ByeThen with his US Mafia out!!!
Billions are wasted destroying things we REALLY need.
Wind power is no solution, as then a few weeks without wind will kill the whole economy.
Same for all electric cars and transport, in an emergency nothing will work..
You need DIVERSITY to cope.
But the greens have no real technical understanding no technical education and lack logical reasoning, are - to a large extent- brain dead, IQ < 60-.
Whereas BBB et al,
I voted BBB as did many here, just to stop the climate insanity.
IF that means leaving EU so to speak: fine
If that means kicking out the US fine.
Now US is just a silly Mafia that holds a gun to the International Court Of Justice in The Hague as it is afraid it will
sentence their soldiers (Iraq Weapons of mass destruction lies) and should have sentenced GW Bush, and should sentence ByeThen.,
US forces our superior to them chip making company not to sell to China, it is just Mafia, the US is. Free yourself from it !!!!
They destroyed the North stream 2 pipeline that was to give us cheap gas from Russia, now we have to buy US crap at higher prices.
Mike Van Pelt
2023-03-24 18:55:05 UTC
Post by Jan Panteltje
What we need is to bring as much nuclear power online as we can to power our aircos and heaters and cooking stuff...
I don't believe that the CO2 alarmists believe what they say
they believe, because with exceptions that can be numbered
on the fingers of one hand, they all, as a group, are also
vehemently anti-nuclear. These are the people who used to
parade around with "No Nukes Shut Them All Down Now" signs.

As soon as they agree that we will take one GW of coal
offline for every two GW of nuclear actually brought
online and producing power for the grid, then, and
ONLY then, will I believe that they believe what they
claim to believe.
Mike Van Pelt | "I don't advise it unless you're nuts."
mvp at calweb.com | -- Ray Wilkinson, after riding out Hurricane
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