Even Totalitarian Gun Grabbers Think "Assault Weapon Ban" Useless
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dyno dan
2023-02-07 14:21:56 UTC
On Tue, 07 Feb 2023 02:37:09 -0800, Klaus Schadenfreude
Despite outrage over a cycle of deadly mass shootings in California
and other states, a new poll out Monday has found plummeting support
for a national assault weapon ban, reflecting what even backers say
may be growing pessimism over whether such a law would reduce
President Joe Biden and Gov. Gavin Newsom have called for a ban, and
California Sen. Dianne Feinstein introduced a new ban bill last month,
similar to one Congress allowed to expire after 10 years in 2004.
It might be good to remember that the previous bill was NOT renewed,
even though there were provisions to allow renewal, because even Bill
Clinton admitted that the law did NOT work to reduce so-called "gun
violence." So once again ignoring facts, the current idiots in

Gun control laws are simply a way for useless politicians to claim
"I'm doing something about crime," when in reality they are doing
absolutely nothing. Hey, Congresscritters, how about trying enforcing
EXISTING laws before adding more? How about eliminating "no bail,"
early release, and all those other criminal-coddling stupidities?

-dan z-

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Gun control is like trying to reduce drunk driving by making it tougher for sober people to own cars.
Governor Swill
2023-02-07 20:10:34 UTC
Post by dyno dan
On Tue, 07 Feb 2023 02:37:09 -0800, Klaus Schadenfreude
Despite outrage over a cycle of deadly mass shootings in California
and other states, a new poll out Monday has found plummeting support
for a national assault weapon ban, reflecting what even backers say
may be growing pessimism over whether such a law would reduce
President Joe Biden and Gov. Gavin Newsom have called for a ban, and
California Sen. Dianne Feinstein introduced a new ban bill last month,
similar to one Congress allowed to expire after 10 years in 2004.
It might be good to remember that the previous bill was NOT renewed,
even though there were provisions to allow renewal, because even Bill
Clinton admitted that the law did NOT work to reduce so-called "gun
violence." So once again ignoring facts, the current idiots in
Gun control laws are simply a way for useless politicians to claim
"I'm doing something about crime," when in reality they are doing
absolutely nothing. Hey, Congresscritters, how about trying enforcing
EXISTING laws before adding more? How about eliminating "no bail,"
early release, and all those other criminal-coddling stupidities?
No bail is for the purpose of reducing the number of jail cells held
for non violent and minor offenders.

Unless you WANT your town to raise your taxes to pay for a new jail.

Bill Mahr on George Santos: "Everyone saw in George Santos what
they wanted to see - Republicans saw a Trump loving rich prick, Democrats
saw a a proudly gay person of color, and the Proud Boys saw him as a guy
who would blow them after a couple of beers and not tell anyone."

Glory to the heroes! Glory to Ukraine!
