The hidden digital roadblock that's keeping green electricity off the U.S. grid
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Jan Panteltje
2023-09-11 04:51:19 UTC
On a sunny day (Sun, 10 Sep 2023 10:59:15 -0700) it happened John Larkin
On Sun, 10 Sep 2023 08:25:51 -0700 (PDT), Fred Bloggs
On a sunny day (Sun, 10 Sep 2023 02:13:20 -0700 (PDT)) it happened whit3rd
Why are so many people suckers for Chinese propaganda?
There's a captive audience of 1.4 billion, to start with.
Even just one percent fools means Trump can send a mob to bash Congress, or
Xi can rely on a credulous 14 million audience.
China is a great CORRUPT country and Mr Xi a great leader.,
who will imprison and torture you and your family if he thinks you are
criticizing him.
US is a loss making club of weapon manufacturers that tries to create wars to sell its products.
Added now the US Industrial Medical Complex selling dangerous medicines for the COVID Fauci had designed in China.
So biologcl warfare.. and now depleted Uranium, after Agent Orange in Vietnam... etc etc.
Trump was OK as he stopped the war in Afghanistan, but then the weapon manufactures manipulated the
elections so their brainless senile criminal agent BuyThen was elected to start a new war in Europe.
US will make more and more losses as time <the little they have left> progresses,
increasing the debt limit until nobody wants to buy their debt but for some held at gunpoint like Japan.
Its all over for the US.
No, the USA is dynamic and vital. A bit of chaos is actually good. It
shakes things up, and creates ideas.
That's a bunch of over hype. U.S. is infested with fraud of every imaginable kind and crumbling fast. They're unsustainably way
over extended and too stupid to realize it.
By world standards, the US productive, inventive, and not very
corrupt. The population is diverse and mobile, which has
We also have a fairly low proportion of depressive, frightened,
useless old gits.
Well.. the world is changing fast, maybe you did not notice while dremmmmelinnnng
I was reading this this morning on German https://www.ard-text , the AfD in Germany is making big gains..
A statement was (in German, US people should real learn some foreign languages, Chinese and Russian will be required in your schools after your empire falls
maybe even German) :
AfD-Parteichefin Weidel hat im ARD-Sommerinterview die Ampel scharf kritisiert:
Sie stehe zu der Aussage, "dass diese Regierung idiotisch handelt".
Die Ampel-Regierung mache "Politik gegen die Mehrheit der Menschen,
die zurÃŒck zur Kernkraft will, die gegen das Verbrennermotor-Verbot ist".

You know, I agree with that statement!!!

Basically it says that the current German government is against the people who want nuclear power and normal petrol cars.
So whatever way you want to look at it, the dirty US war mongering in Ukraine stirs up ultra right in Germany and the rest of Europe.
As does the climate crap.

And more:
Im Kampf um das OberbÃŒrgermeisteramt in Nordhausen hat der Kandidat der AfD die Stichwahl am 24. September erreicht.
Der 61 Jahre alte Unternehmer Prophet kam in Nordhausen auf 42,1% der Stimmen, wie eine Sprecherin der Stadtverwaltung mitteilte.
Er soll sich in zwei Wochen mit dem parteilosen Amtsinhaber Buchmann messen, der auf 23,7% kam.

AfD gaining big.

So when German has the bomb (I happen to know they already have a design for one ) China, France, UK, N Korea, all against those malfunctioning ICBMs with untested US nukes..
Now you can either shit you pants in fear there in the US or behave and get rid of the warmongers yourself before we do it for you
Collateral damage...

John Larkin
2023-09-11 12:51:54 UTC
Post by Jan Panteltje
On a sunny day (Sun, 10 Sep 2023 10:59:15 -0700) it happened John Larkin
On Sun, 10 Sep 2023 08:25:51 -0700 (PDT), Fred Bloggs
On a sunny day (Sun, 10 Sep 2023 02:13:20 -0700 (PDT)) it happened whit3rd
Why are so many people suckers for Chinese propaganda?
There's a captive audience of 1.4 billion, to start with.
Even just one percent fools means Trump can send a mob to bash Congress, or
Xi can rely on a credulous 14 million audience.
China is a great CORRUPT country and Mr Xi a great leader.,
who will imprison and torture you and your family if he thinks you are
criticizing him.
US is a loss making club of weapon manufacturers that tries to create wars to sell its products.
Added now the US Industrial Medical Complex selling dangerous medicines for the COVID Fauci had designed in China.
So biologcl warfare.. and now depleted Uranium, after Agent Orange in Vietnam... etc etc.
Trump was OK as he stopped the war in Afghanistan, but then the weapon manufactures manipulated the
elections so their brainless senile criminal agent BuyThen was elected to start a new war in Europe.
US will make more and more losses as time <the little they have left> progresses,
increasing the debt limit until nobody wants to buy their debt but for some held at gunpoint like Japan.
Its all over for the US.
No, the USA is dynamic and vital. A bit of chaos is actually good. It
shakes things up, and creates ideas.
That's a bunch of over hype. U.S. is infested with fraud of every imaginable kind and crumbling fast. They're unsustainably way
over extended and too stupid to realize it.
By world standards, the US productive, inventive, and not very
corrupt. The population is diverse and mobile, which has
We also have a fairly low proportion of depressive, frightened,
useless old gits.
Well.. the world is changing fast, maybe you did not notice while dremmmmelinnnng
I was reading this this morning on German https://www.ard-text , the AfD in Germany is making big gains..
A statement was (in German, US people should real learn some foreign languages, Chinese and Russian will be required in your schools after your empire falls
Google Street View is interesting. In Russia, China, Germany,
basically everywhere you look, there's a lot of English signage and
American stuff. And of course most places have lots of US-style
housing and buildings and hotels and SUVs. The American Empire is
cultural, not military.

Most Germans speak pretty good English. Lots of Russians speak
English; few Americans speak German or Russian.

I think English signage is illegal in France.

The couple next door are Romanian and Bulgarian and talk to one
another in English.

I work with a largish Dutch company and all the folks that I've met
speak good English. Ditto some French companies.
Post by Jan Panteltje
Sie stehe zu der Aussage, "dass diese Regierung idiotisch handelt".
Die Ampel-Regierung mache "Politik gegen die Mehrheit der Menschen,
die zurück zur Kernkraft will, die gegen das Verbrennermotor-Verbot ist".
You know, I agree with that statement!!!
Basically it says that the current German government is against the people who want nuclear power and normal petrol cars.
So whatever way you want to look at it, the dirty US war mongering in Ukraine stirs up ultra right in Germany and the rest of Europe.
As does the climate crap.
A bunch of European countries are supporting Ukraine in this war.